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Our CSR policy

The responsibility of NEOMA Business School is to participate in the training of future generations of responsible managers, contributing to the evolution of businesses towards more inclusive organisations and committing to responding to environmental, social and societal issues.



To achieve these objectives, the School has a CSR Directorate, a CSR Steering Committee and a CSR Committee – involving the student community and the services concerned – which together and in cooperation with each other are constructing an action plan.

NEOMA has constructed its action plan around 3 focus areas

A sustainable campus
Teaching and research

NEOMA is a signatory to:

Principles for Responsible Management Education (United Nations Global Compact)
The diversity charter (CPU-CGE-CDEFI)

  • CPU: Conference of University Presidents
  • CGE: Conference of ‘Grandes Ecoles’
  • CDEFI: Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools

The Disability charter (CGE)
The engagement charter in favour of inclusion and respect for diversity (CGE)
The Rouen climate agreement – COP21, led by CESAR

  • CESAR: Conference of Higher Education of the Conurbation of Rouen

The regional agreement for equality between boys and girls, between men and women in the education system of Normandy
Appeal – To train all students in higher education in climate and environmental issues (The Shift Project)

Key figures

  • Over 200 courses include CSR themes
  • ‘Global in CSR’ pathway in the Master in Management NEOMA BS
  • 33% of students are financially assisted (grants and apprenticeships): NEOMA is the number 1 School in the French Top 12
  • 24 responsible and inclusive student societies
  • 12 bee hives and 300 kg of honey collected every year
  • 52 % of the student community are women
  • Female/Male Equality (except students) Index 2022: 90/100 (*measure used for professional and performance equality. Source)


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