Press release
Beginning of the academic year 2021: 18 new international professors join NEOMA Business School
Published on 22 September 2021 by NEOMA
In the 2021 academic year, NEOMA Business School is strengthening its faculty with the integration of 18 excellent teacher-researchers of 8 different nationalities. With expertise in line with the School’s poles of excellence, these new professors will participate in the dynamics of research development and in strengthening the impact of this research. This high-level recruitment highlights the attractiveness of the School’s strategic project as well as its academic excellence in France and internationally.
A high-level recruitment combining direction of pedagogy and the search for excellence
In line with its strategic plan which places internationalization at the heart of the School’s ambitions, NEOMA continues to develop its faculty with the recruitment of 18 new international teacher-researchers in this 2021 academic year. Representing 8 nationalities, these new academic profiles, all PhD holders, come to strengthen the teaching body of the School which now has 185 professors, 72% of whom are international. “We are delighted to accommodate as many varied profiles, ranging from young doctors beginning their academic adventure, to experienced and recognised researchers such as Gilbert Cette or Indranil Bose”, indicates Delphine Manceau, Managing Director of NEOMA Business School. Several criteria were paramount in the identification of these profiles. “Above all, we seek teacher-researchers who combine a sense of pedagogy and research excellence, both committed to teaching and pedagogical innovation in order to offer the best learning experience to our students and to carry out high quality research which is internationally recognised” adds Fabio Fonti, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Faculty and Research at NEOMA.
A faculty at the service of NEOMA’s poles of excellence
A major issue for Business Schools is their impact on the environment, research is part of the fundamental mission of NEOMA Business School, alongside teaching. “For 4 years, NEOMA has shown strong growth in research output, with the number of articles published in the best international academic journals multiplied by 2 and the number of stars multiplied by 2.5. Not only are our teacher-researchers publishing more, but the quality of their articles is improving even more”, specifies Delphine Manceau. In order to go further with this commitment, last spring NEOMA Business School unveiled a new structure for its research around 4 poles of excellence:
- The World we want – Which world do we want for tomorrow and how can companies participate in building it?
- The Future of Work – What will the new working methods be and the key skills in the world of tomorrow?
- AI, Data Science and Business – How to drive digital transformation and its impacts on organisations and society?
- The Complexity advantage – How to facilitate the decision-making of organisations and individuals in an increasingly complex world?
“In perfect resonance with the teaching objectives of our courses and the issues with which companies are confronted with, the research work developed within the framework of these new poles will provide synergies with the teaching contents delivered in classroom ”, Delphine Manceau highlights. “Our new professors will naturally be leading contributors in the delivery of this new research restructure“.
The 18 new teacher-researchers
Finance Department
- Swaminathan BALASUBRAMANIAM – India
Expertises: Financial markets and financial institutions (aggregation of information, liquidity, failures in coordination)
- Gilbert CETTE – France
Expertises: Productivity and growth, labor and employment market, structural reforms and social relations
- Xiaoxiong HU – China
Expertises: Green finance, socially responsible investment, FinTech
- RUSSO Marianna – Italy
Expertises: Quantitative finance, risk analysis within green finance, peer-to-peer exchanges and the design of energy markets.
People & Organisations Department
- Hye Jung EUN – South Korea
Expertises: Creativity, innovation, gender, inequalities, creative industries
- Olli-Pekka KAUPPILA – Finland
Expertises: Organisational behavior and leadership, creativity, innovation, knowledge management, social relations.
- Sirio LONATI – Italy
Expertises: Leadership, implicit leadership, cultural evolution of leadership
Marketing Department
Expertises: Innovation, Visual Marketing, Big Data
- Lara Xianglan NAN– China
Expertises: Decision making, social influence, brand
- Juan XU – China
Expertises: Decision making, B2B sales strategy, marketing strategy
Strategy & Entrepreneurship Department
- Reha KARADAG – Turkey
Expertises: Strategy, resources and skills, competition
- Anran LI – China
Expertises: Strategy and organisations, strategic leadership, CEOs, management teams and boards of directors, family businesses
- Ravi Shankar PANDEY – India
Expertises: Ecosystems, Technological entrepreneurship, Electric vehicle, Health care
Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs Department
- Rong DING – China
Expertises: Financial information, audit, taxation
- Zhenjiang GU – China
Expertise: executive compensation, corporate disclosure
- Chih-Chieh (Chris) HSIEH – Taiwan
Expertises: Corporate tax policy, Tax reform, Cross-border regulation, Quality of financial information, corporate disclosure
Department of Information Systems, Supply Chain Management & Decision Support
- Indranil BOSE – India
Expertises: Big Data, information security, financial technologies, digital transformation, innovation management
- Arvind SAINATHAN – India
Expertises: Interface between operation management and marketing, pricing, health sector, supply chain coordination.
Key figures – Academic year 2021 185 teacher-researchers including 72% international 36 nationalities represented in the faculty 9500 students on the three campuses (Reims, Rouen, Paris) including 44% in the PGE 35% international students Over 360 international academic partners based in 56 countries A network of 65 700 graduates based in 127 countries 51% female students, 55% female faculty and 70% administrative staff |