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Press release

NEOMA Business School’s MSc International Finance obtains RICS international accreditation

Published on 12 October 2022 by Aziza B.

The Real Estate & Wealth Management programme of the MSc International Finance at NEOMA Business School has announced that it has been awarded the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) accreditation for a maximum of five years. The RICS is an international organisation whose mission is to supervise and enhance the value of the real estate and construction professions.  Considered a guarantee of excellence throughout the world, the RICS validates the educational quality of the curriculum. It also guarantees the ethical and integrity dimensions taught to students, as the RICS has established itself on the international scene as a guarantee of respect for a strict code of ethics. A significant benefit of this accreditation for graduates of the programme is that they will be able to access RICS membership more quickly.

We are very pleased and proud to have obtained this accreditation, which is only awarded to two other business schools and three universities in France,” says Maria Ruiz, CFA, Head of the Real Estate & Wealth Management track of the MSc International Finance. “The RICS is a real differentiator and gives our programme great visibility and will help us to attract the best talent .

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the world’s leading body for the real estate industry and regulates the real estate profession by setting ethical standards and standards of excellence and integrity. “Achieving this accreditation marks the excellence of our programme in terms of teaching. It also confirms that ethics and integrity, values promoted by the professional body, are at the heart of our teaching “.

Obtaining RICS accreditation is also an asset for the competitiveness of the programme’s graduates on the job market. Graduates of the programme will be able to take the RICS professional certification without the five years of professional experience usually required to apply for it. “Upon successful completion of the certification, our graduates will have access to an international network of professional support, which is an undeniable career booster, and the opportunity to learn about many industry-specific topics from RICS member professionals.”

In the accreditation process, NEOMA was able to benefit from the active support of PwC Luxembourg, sponsor of the programme for several years. Marc Schernberg, a 94 graduate and Partner in the audit and consultancy firm, comments on the announcement: “PwC Luxembourg is proud to have supported the programme since its launch and to have been at NEOMA’s side in the development of the curriculum, but also to have always supported, from the very beginning of our partnership, the MSc’s move towards RICS accreditation, which, in addition to benefiting the School, will also give the programme’s students international visibility and recognition of their professionalism in the field.”