Participating in Experiments
Participating in Experiments in NEOMA XP Lab
By signing up to be part of the XP Lab participant pool on SONA website, participants will become an important contributor to the scientific community of NEOMA. Participants will be helping to provide researchers with vital insights into human behaviour and decision-making processes.
The lab conducts different types of experiments, including computer surveys, group interactions, simple behavioural tasks, such as mock negotiations, and response to stimuli presented in the form of videos, questions, images, etc.
For example: the study of influence marketing on social networks using facial expression, the impact of information clips on sustainable development using the skin's electrical response, or the use of eye-tracking data to predict whether a recruiter will approve a CV whether a recruiter will approve a CV.
Signing up for Studies
Anyone over the age of 18 can take part. The experiments take place on the NEOMA campus in Rouen, and participants must be able to get to the campus during the times proposed by the researchers.
To participate in XP Lab studies, participants must first create an account on our participant pool.
Study length and compensation
Participants at the XP-Lab will be compensated in a way that fits with the standard compensation for similar facilities in France.
Generally, as an indication, the duration of the experiments varies between 30 minutes and two hours and compensation is between €5 and €20.
Participating in an experiment will also provide with a unique feeling of contributing to advancing knowledge in behavioural research.
Participant Rights
Participation in the lab experience is entirely voluntary. Participants will be informed of the nature of the experiment.
Participants are required to sign a consent form informing of the purpose of the study, tasks during the experiment, the duration, risks and data confidentially. They can withdraw from the study at any time and deactivate their account at any time, even after signing the consent form.
Participants may withdraw from studies by cancelling their appointments directly from their SONA account.
Contact us
Please contact at labmanager@neoma-bs.fr for any questions.
For questions about data treatment, please contact NEOMA’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) at dpo@neoma-bs.fr
or fill out the online form to exercise rights on personal data.
See NEOMA’s general privacy and personal data protection policy.