Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
The code breakers of the ecological transition
How do you succeed in the ecological transition while also gaining from it?
How do you optimise the use of resources while staying within the planetary limits?
How do you develop new sustainable products?
These questions are at the core of the concerns of companies today, and the bioeconomy is a new approach to providing sustainable solutions.
The bioeconomy refers to the transition movement that will replace oil with biomass.
Since 2012, researchers at the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development at NEOMA have been deciphering the major problems that companies face in stepping away from the era of fossil fuel resources.
The Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development at NEOMA Business School is headed by Nicolas Béfort.
It is located on NEOMA’s Reims campus as well as at the European Centre of Biotechnologies and Bioeconomy (CEBB) in Pomacle-Bazancourt.
Our funders
Our ecosystem
The chair develops its activity in connection with the members of CEBB (AgroParistech, CentraleSupélec and URCA) as well as its academic and industrial partners.
Areas of Research
NEOMA is the only business school to support a multi-disciplinary team of researchers that focuses exclusively on the bioeconomy.
They conduct leading research on economy-management of the ecological transition.
They identify the resources and methods while shaping the strategies of companies and public policies around four areas of focus:
- Green energy and the circular economy at a regional level
- Sustainable agriculture and viticulture
- New types of biomass and technologies
- Sustainable consumption and food transformation
Fields of expertise
- Ecological economics
- Institutional economics
- Transition studies
- Industrial and organisation economics
- Science and innovation economics
- Sustainable product strategy and marketing
- Agricultural and environmental economics
- Organisation studies
- Measurements, indicators and data necessary in analysis, monitoring and forward planning
- Quantitative and qualitative empirical approaches,
- S&T knowledge mobilisation and integration of CEBB members
The chair is a member of Bioeconomy For Change
Visiting the Chair
Located at the CEBB, the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development at NEOMA also has offices on the school’s Campus 1 in Reims:
Visiting the chair in Reims: NEOMA Business School – Campus Reims 1 – 59 Rue Pierre Tattinger, 51100 Reims
Visiting the chair in Pomacle – Bazancourt: Centre Européen de Biotechnologie et Bioéconomie – 3 Rue des Rouges-Terres, 51110 Pomacle