Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The Future of Work
The future of jobs and working conditions
Organisations are facing major socioeconomic and technological trends like digitalisation, climate change, new generations. Society and people are changing and work can no more be the same. This subarea intends to stimulate research on the evolution of jobs and working conditions.
Ongoing research projects include:
- What challenges shorter workweeks pose to organisations?
- How to manage the work-home boundary after COVID?
- How to move toward a green human resource management?
- How to facilitate the transition to managerial positions?
- How technology impact work (e.g., technostress, blockchain)?
BENITEZ, J., L. RUIZ, A. POPOVIC, "Impact of mobile technology-enabled HR gamification on employee performance: An empirical investigation", Information and Management, March 2022
BUNJAK, A., M. CERNE, A. POPOVIC, "Absorbed in technology but digitally overloaded: Interplay effects on gig workers' burnout and creativity", Information and Management, December 2021, vol. 58, no. 8
GHOSH, V., T. SENGUPTA, G. NARAYANAMURTHY, A. ISHIZAKA, "Examining collective creative self-efficacy as a competency indicator of group talent management: a study of SMEs in an emerging economy", International Journal of Human Resource Management, October 2021, pp. 1-31
HUDSON, S., H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "Can impostors thrive at work? The impostor phenomenon's role in work and career outcomes", Journal of Vocational Behavior, August 2021, no. 128, pp. 10-36
HUDSON, S., H.GONZALEZ GOMEZ, C.CLAASEN, "Legitimacy, Particularism and Employee Commitment and Justice", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 157, no. 3, pp. 589-603
KAKARIKA, M., H.GONZALEZ GOMEZ, Z.DIMITRIADES, "That wasn't our deal: A psychological contract perspective on employee responses to bullying", Journal of Vocational Behavior, June 2017, vol. 100, pp. 43-55
LAI, Y.-L., A.ISHIZAKA, "The application of multi-criteria decision analysis methods into talent identification process: A social psychological perspective", Journal of Business Research, March 2020, vol. 109, pp. 637-647
MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, P.BAUDIER, L.HIKKEROVA, "The digital transformation of external Audit and its impact on corporate governance", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2020, vol. 150
TIAN, A. Y., M. F. AHAMMAD, S. Y. TARBA, V. PEREIRA, A. ARSLAN, Z. KHAN, "Investigating employee and organizational performance in a cross-border acquisition—A case of withdrawal behavior", Human Resource Management, February 2021
Research Workshop - October 28, 2021 – Paris Campus – Research incubator, reading group, and roundtable around Open Science
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Personal Branding for Career Management", "Human Resource Management", "Human Resource Management" (e-learning module).
How digitalisation and big data change the jobs of tomorrow
In a FNEGE video, Riadh Manita shares his analysis of how jobs will evolve with the rise of big data and digitalization, with a focus on the finance, consulting, and audit industries. Watch video
Professors: Helena Gonzalez Gomez, Alessio Ishizaka, Patrick Lê, Pierre Lescoat, Emmanouela Mandalaki, Riadh Manita, Moyra Marval, Agata Mirowska, Vijay Pereira, Ales Popovic, Birgit Schyns, Anita Starzyk, Shiva Taghavi
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as: Rennes School of Business (FR), Heriot-Watt University (UK), University of Ljubljana (SI), University of Wollongong (AU), IBS Hyderbaad (IN), NMIMS University Mumbai (IN), University of Aukland3 (NZ), Ecole de Management Léonard De Vinci (FR), Northumbria University (UK), Ohio University (US), HEC Paris (FR), University of Neufchatel (CH), EM Normandie Business School (FR), Queensland University of Technology (AU), Navrachana University (IN), Loughborough University London (UK), University of Huddersfield (UK), School of Economics and Business-University of Ljubljana (SI)