Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The World We Want
How to build a better world ?
“Inclusion” “sustainability” “well-being”, the occurrence of these words and the concepts they encompass has grown in society and businesses in recent years. The UNO even identified "17 Global Goals to transform our world". Research in this AE aims to support firms, organisations, and institutions in their strategies to achieve a better future.
"The AE promotes interdisciplinary research tackling the grand challenges of sustainability and sustainable development. We are a diverse and open-minded group of researchers offering opportunities for exchange and development to colleagues working within different methodological paradigms. We organize seminars, research workshops, writing retreats, conferences and other academic events with the participation of leading international researchers in our field" Paolo Antonetti, Director of the World We Want AE.
Specific sub-areas of research
MAHENDRU, M., G. D. SHARMA, V. PEREIRA, M. GUPTA, H. S. MUNDI, "Is it all about money, honey? Analyzing and mapping financial well-being research and identifying future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, November 2022, vol. 150, pp. 417-436.
YANG, M., V. RAMIAH, PEREIRA, V., Y. TEMOURI, A. BEHL, "Measuring the effectiveness and impact of COVID-19 health policies on firms and UNSDGs: evidence from China", Journal of Enterprise Information Management, September 2022, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 125-159
ALMAQABLEH, L., K. REDDY, V. PEREIRA, V. RAMIAH, D. WALLACE, J. FRANCISCO VERON, "An investigative study of links between terrorist attacks and cryptocurrency markets", Journal of Business Research, August 2022, vol. 147, pp. 177-188
MANDALAKI, E., A. PRASAD, "Racialized experiences as in-betweenness in academia", Organization, June 2022.
LE, T. T., A. BEHL, V. PEREIRA, "Establishing linkages between circular economy practices and sustainable performance: the moderating role of circular economy entrepreneurship", Management Decision, June 2022.
TAO, R., H. ZHAO, J. WU, "Do Corporate Customers Prefer Socially Responsible Suppliers? An Instrumental Stakeholder Theory Perspective", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2022 (FT).
REIZER, A., B. L. GALPERIN, M. CHAVAN, A. BEHL, V. PEREIRA,, "Examining the relationship between fear of COVID-19, intolerance for uncertainty, and cyberloafing: A mediational model", Journal of Business Research, June 2022, vol. 145, pp. 660-670
MALIK, A., V. PEREIRA, P. BUDHWAR, A. VARMA, M. DEL GIUDICE, "Sustainable innovations in an indigenous Indian Ayurvedic MNE", Journal of Business Research, June 2022, vol. 145, pp. 402-413
MORALES, M. E., S. LHUILLERY, M. GHOBAKHLOO, "Circularity effect in the viability of bio-based industrial symbiosis: Tackling extraordinary events in value chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, May 2022, no. 348.
RUSSO, M., E. KRAFT, V. BERTSCH, D. KELES, "Short-term Risk Management of Electricity Retailers Under Rising Shares of Decentralized Solar Generation", Energy Economics, May 2022, vol. 109.
CARMEN VALOR, C., P. ANTONETTI, G. ZASUWA, "Corporate social irresponsibility and consumer punishment: a systematic review and research agenda", Journal of Business Research, May 2022, vol. 144, pp. 1218-1233.
GUPTA, S., S. MODGIL, P. C. BHATT, C. J. C. JABBOUR, S. KAMBLE, "Quantum computing led innovation for achieving a more sustainable Covid-19 healthcare industry", Technovation, May 2022.
AIN TOMMAR, S., R. MURA, O. KOLOKOLOVA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry under COVID-19", Management Science, April 2022.
FENG, Y., MENEZES, M.,, "Integrated production and renewable energy generation in the presence of hydrogen energy storage", Production and Operations Management, February 2022
KIM Y, KIM S, ARORA N. EXPRESS: GMO Labeling Policy and Consumer Choice. Journal of Marketing. February 2022.
BRANDS, R., G. ERTUG, F. FONTI, S. TASSELLI, "Theorizing Gender in Social Network Research: What We Do and What We Can Do Differently", Academy of Management Annals, February 2022.
Colovic, A., B. Misganaw, D. Assefa, “Liability of informality and firm participation in global value chains,” Journal of World Business, January 2022, vol. 57, no. 1
ANTONETTI, P., I. BAGHI, "How the sender’s positioning and the target’s CSR record influence the effectiveness of scapegoating crisis communications", Marketing Letters, December 2021, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 411-423.
MANIKA , D., P. ANTONETTI, S. PAPAGIANNIDIS, X. GUO, "How Pride Triggered by Pro-environmental Technology Adoption Spills Over into Conservation Behaviours: A Social Business Application", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, November 2021, Vol. 172
HUDSON, S., H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, C. CLAASEN, "Societal Inequality, Corruption and Relation-Based Inequality in Organizations", Journal of Business Ethics, October 2021
MANDALAKI, E., M. PÉREZTS, "Abjection overruled! Time to dismantle sexist cyberbullying in academia", Organization, September 2021
FLETCHER-BROWN, J., D. CARTER, V. PEREIRA, R. CHANDWANI, "Mobile technology to give a resource-based knowledge management advantage to community health nurses in an emerging economies context", Journal of Knowledge Management, August 2021, vol. 25, no. 3
ANTONETTI, P., I. BAGHI, "When Blame-Giving Crisis Communications are Persuasive: A Dual-Influence Model and Its Boundary Conditions", Journal of Business Ethics, August 2021, vol. 172, no. 1, pp. 59-78 FT
BEFORT, N., "The promises of drop-in vs. functional innovations: The case of bioplastics", Ecological Economics, March 2021, vol. 181
ANTONETTI, P., B. CRISAFULLI, S. MAKLAN, "When doing good will not save us: Revisiting the buffering effect of CSR following service failures", Psychology and Marketing, September 2021, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1608-1627
KUPPELWIESER, V. G., P.KLAUS, "Revisiting the Age Construct: Implications for Service Research", Journal of Service Research, November 2020
BELAOUNIA, S., R. TAO, H. ZHAO, "Gender equality's impact on female directors' efficacy: A multi-country study", International Business Review, October 2020, vol. 29, no. 5
ANTONETTI, P., B.CRISAFULLI, A.TUNCDOGAN, ""Just Look the Other Way": Job Seekers' Reactions to the Irresponsibility of Market-Dominant Employers", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2020
CORNIL, Y., P.GOMEZ, D.VASILJEVIC, "Food as Fuel: Performance goals increase consumption of high-calorie foods at the expense of good nutrition", Journal of Consumer Research, August 2020, vol. 47, no. 2
FLETCHER-BROWN, J., S.TURNBULL, G.VIGLIA, T.CHEN, V.PEREIRA, "Vulnerable consumer engagement: How corporate social media can facilitate the replenishment of depleted resources", International Journal of Research in Marketing, July 2020
VIVIEN, F., M.NIEDDU, N.BEFORT, R.DEBREF, M.GIAMPIETRO, "The Hijacking of the Bioeconomy", Ecological Economics, May 2019, vol. 159
ANTONETTI, P., S.MAKLAN, "Identity Bias in Negative Word of Mouth Following Irresponsible Corporate Behavior: A Research Model and Moderating Effects", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2018, vol. 149, no. 4
Research Talk Thursday, October 6th 2022 – Online-Gazi Islam, Professor of People, Organizations and Society at Grenoble Ecole de Management, and member of the research laboratory IREGE (Research Institute for Management and Economics), will generously share his Editorial experience with us, as Joint Editor in Chief for the Journal of Business Ethics. Gazi also serves as Associate Editor for other
Research Talk Friday, June 17-Online and Paris Campus- professor Wenxuan Hou, Professor, Personal Chair in Corporate Finance, University of Edinburgh Business School.: the perspective of the British Accounting Review.
Research Talk Friday, June 3-Online- Riccardo Vecchio (University of Napoli Federico II), “In laboratorio veritas: economic experiments to measure wine consumer preferences”.
Research Talk Friday, May 18-Online and Reims Campus, Andreas Pyka (Univ. Hohenheim),The fairytale of technological spillovers -an alternative view on technological knowledge.
Research Talk Thursday, April 12 – Online- Karoline Rogge, Professor of Sustainability Innovation and Policy and principal investigator of the EMPOCI and SONNET projects “Fit for social innovation? Policy mix reflections for EU energy and climate policy making”.
Research Talk Wednesday, March 23 – Reims Campus and Online- Andreas Pyka, (Univ. Hohenheim), Economic Growth, Structural Change and Transformation: What’s important now?
Research Seminar, Thursday, February 17 2022, Online Emotion and (De)legitimization
- 9:00 pm-Paolo Atonetti: Welcome and introduction;
- 9:10 pm Laetitia Mimoun: Social Emotions and Market Legitimation;
- 9:50 pm Carmen Valor :Emotional stigmatization and the delegitimization of consumer practices
- 10:45 pm Sarah Glozer :Social media dialogue: Exploring emotions and legitimacy in digital contexts;
- 11:35 pm Gael Bonnin : Emotion and the spreading of fake news on social media
- 1:30 pm Lucie Wiart & Nil Tolouse: Towards an ecofeminist understanding of emotion work in delegitimization: the case of Animal Rights Organizations;
- 2:10 pm Helena Gonzalez: Relation-based inequality and the impostor phenomenon.
Research Seminar, Thursday, January 27 2022, Online-organized by the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, as part of the BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy Dr. Mario Pansera, Distinguished Researcher by the Universida de Vigo and affiliated Researcher at the Autonoma University of Barcelona : Prospering without growth ; Science, Technology and Innovation in a post-growth era.
Writing Retreat –June 9 and 10, June- Featuring Katrine Meldgaard Kjær (University of Copenhagen), Mar Pérezts (Emlyon Business School) and Noortje van Amsterdam (Utrecht School of Governance), this 1.5 days writing retreat focuses on writing academic work differently through engagement with diverse writing patterns and methods. The event is limited to 15 participants on a ‘first come/first served’ basis.
Conference on Sustainable Finance – May 20, 2022 – NEOMA Paris campus - organised by Finance for Good sub-area of the World We Want Area of Excellence and the Finance Department. Learn more and register
Roundtable - May 12 - discussion co-organised by the CEBB, “Bioeconomy, territorial delepment, competitiveness and attractiveness” - featuring Nicolas Befort, NEOMA BS Professor Pascale Gailot, Région Grand Est Official Elected, Michel Mangion, CSR Director Cristal Union President of the Jacques de Bohan Association Territoire d’Industrie de Bazancourt-Pomacle, Valéry Michaux, NEOMA BS Professor and Franck Mode Research and Bioeconomy Project Manager Grand Reims.
Editors Talk – April 28th 2022 –Online- Professor Ajnesh Prasad, Canada Research Chair in Critical Management Studies and Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Management Learning. Ajnesh will generously share with us his experiences as Editor in leading academic journals in the field of Organizations and Management.
Editors Talk – March, 25, 2022 -Online Prof. Alison Pullen, who will generously share her Editorial experiences with us, as Joint Editor in Chief of Gender, Work and Organization. Alison also serves as Associate Editor for other leading journals in the fields of Management and Organization Studies.
Paper presentation February 24 - Online.
- PAPER 1 Anita Starzyk & Jana F. Bauer, “Disabled employee voices: How ableism and organizational caring affect employees with disabilities in organizations”. Paper discussant: Carine Chemin-Bouzir
- PAPER 2 Subhadeep Datta, “Pride or Prejudice: Impact of Bias, Legitimacy, and Prosocial Narratives on Crowdfunding Success”
- PAPER 3 Stéphane Lhuillery, Stéphanie Thiery, “Gender, position, and earning management”. Paper discussant: Shiva Taghavi
Participation to an event - February 25-at CET - CMS In-Touch event, dedicated to Publishing Critical Research at the journal Gender, Work and Organization (GWO). Emmanouela Mandalaki, newly appointed Editor for the Feminist Frontiers Section of the journal GWO, will join the other main Editors of the journal, Alison Pullen (Editor in Chief), Banu Ozkazanc-Pan (Editor in Chief) and Alice Wickstrom (Feminist Frontiers Editor), to run a discussion on how to publish critical research at GWO. Register here.
International research workshop - February 17 - on the topic of Emotions and (De)legitimization. Online.
- Paolo ANTONETTI :Welcome and introduction
- Laetitia MIMOUN: Social Emotions and Market Legitimation
- Carmen VALOR :Emotional stigmatization and the delegitimization of consumer practices
- Sarah GLOZER: Social media dialogue: Exploring emotions and legitimacy in digital contexts
- Gaël BONNIN: Emotion and the spreading of fake news on social medi
- Lucie WIART & Nil TOLOUSE: Towards an ecofeminist understanding of emotion work in delegitimization: the case of Animal Rights Organizations
- Helena GONZALEZ: Relation-based inequality and the impostor phenomenon.
Paper presentation - December 16, 2021- Pierre Lescoat - Les biais cognitifs dans les processus d’évaluation de la performance individuelle en entreprise
Editors Talk - November 25, 2021 – Online -– Guest speakers: Prof. Marianna Fotaki, Senior Editor for the journal Organizations Studies
R&R Workshop - November 18, 2021 – Paris Campus - Help authors make their revisions in the context of reviewer comments and receive comments and ideas from participants on how best to achieve this
Editors Talk – September 16, 2021 – Online - Guest speaker: Dr Colin Higgins, Co-Editor of Business & Society, associate Professor in the Department of Management and Associate Dean (International & Partnerships) at the Deakin Business School in Melbourne Australia.
Paper presentation - July 9, 2021 – Online – Dissemination, Publication, and Impact of Finance Research: When Novelty Meets Conventionality - Guest speaker: Rui Dai, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and WRDS
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Sustainable Finance", "Sustainable Reporting", "Managing Social Responsibility, Governance & Ethics", "Business Ethics", "Business Ethics" (e-learning module), "Equity Diversity and Inclusion", "Corporate Social Responsibility", "Circular Economy: Food Economics, Agribusiness and Sustainability", "Act for a sustainable transition” "Diversity & Sustainability Management in the Luxury Industry", "Ethics and Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry", Economics of the Ecological Transition", "Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship” "The Social Impact of Globalisation and innovation", "Sustainable transition seminar", "Innovation in Nutrition & Health” "UN Day and International Climate Negotiations"
Hedia ZANNAD and Pierre LESCOAT write contributions for a book on quantifying equality in the workplace. By contributing to such a book, Pierre Lescoat, Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs Department, and Hedia Zannad, People & Organisations Department, demonstrate the interest of NEOMA professors, as a community of researchers, in transdisciplinary research that addresses today's social issues. Learn more >
Aloïs Kanyinda, co-authored of a collective book awarded by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV): an output of UNIVIGNE, a multidisciplinary project on the evolution of the Champagne industry funded by the Grand Est Region, the book has received an award from OIV. Alois's contribution focuses on the impact of climate change on wine management in Champagne-Ardenne
Chairs, partners, and funded projects
The AE includes three externally funded research projects:
- Is Covid-19 Gender-Blind? Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry (The Europlace Institute of Finance – Louis Bachelier Foundation) , whose goal is to understand the relationships between gender, personal life circumstances and performance at work among hedge funds managers
- Blueprint to a Circular Economy (Interreg, EU), whose is goal is to test innovative solutions to accelerate the transition to a circular economy
- AgroBioEst (Grand Est Region), whose goal is to study the transition toward sustainable agriculture via bioeconomy
The AE also integrates the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, funded by Grand Reims, Paris-Reims Foundation and the Marne Chamber of Commerce. Created in 2012, the Chair studies how the bioeconomy can contribute to shift towards the ecological transition
« Barbecue gate » : oui, les hommes sont moins écolos et il faut que ça change
Sophie Raynaud, PhD student and Research Assistant at NEOMA wrote a tribune published in Les Echos Start (13 sept.2022). Read online here (in French)
When environmental innovations are threatened by usages: the example of bioplastics
Based on what criteria can we be sure that innovation is environmentally beneficial? When does innovation reduce the consumption of resources? At what point does it limit our impact on ecosystems? Nicolas Béfort, director of the NEOMA BS Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, elucidates the question. Read the article
What is a label?
Nicolas Béfort discussed the definition of a label in answer to L'Avant JT's Question of the Day on France 3
Hydrogen for the future?
Valery MICHAUX shares his analysis in “Hydrogène vert produit et utilisé localement, une autre vision du futur”, The Conversation, 01/06/2021