Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The World We Want
Sustainability transitions and societal change
Sustainability transitions entail systemic changes required in response to the environmental crisis. These complex endeavours involve techno-economic and social facets. Innovations in business models and organisational structures within sustainability transitions drive the adoption of practices like the circular economy, bioeconomy, and sharing economy. This restructuring also encompasses changes in responsibilities, governance, and power distribution. Within the sustainability transitions’ context, the energy and electricity transitions are emerging as a crucial interdisciplinary field to address alterations in a country's energy status quo and achieve low-carbon energy systems.
This sub-area specifically focuses on examining economic, social, political, and institutional dimensions, involving a comprehensive evaluation of socio-technical options for advancing a low-carbon economy.
Ongoing research projects include:
- Does bio-economy involve the regulation of capitalism?
- How renewable energy resources are challenge existing power systems?
- What are the distributional and equity implications of renewable energy sources? \
- What are the impacts of the ongoing energy transition on energy and commodity markets?
- How to produce luxury goods in a circular economy model?
- How must agriculture adapt to climate change?
- How do citizens react to corporate social irresponsibility?
- How to develop sustainable food consumption?
MORALES, M. E., S. LHUILLERY, M. GHOBAKHLOO, "Circularity effect in the viability of bio-based industrial symbiosis: Tackling extraordinary events in value chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, May 2022, no. 348.
MALIK, A., V. PEREIRA, P. BUDHWAR, A. VARMA, M. DEL GIUDICE, "Sustainable innovations in an indigenous Indian Ayurvedic MNE", Journal of Business Research, June 2022, vol. 145, pp. 402-413
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M. GUIJARRO-GARCIA, K. ULRICH, "Fostering sustainable growth in aeronautics: Open social innovation, multifunctional team management, and collaborative governance", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2022
ANTONETTI, P., B.CRISAFULLI, A.TUNCDOGAN, ""Just Look the Other Way": Job Seekers' Reactions to the Irresponsibility of Market-Dominant Employers", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2020
ANTONETTI, P., S.MAKLAN, "An Extended Model of Moral Outrage at Corporate Social Irresponsibility", Journal of Business Ethics, May 2016, vol. 135, no. 3
ANTONETTI, P., S.MAKLAN, "Identity Bias in Negative Word of Mouth Following Irresponsible Corporate Behavior: A Research Model and Moderating Effects", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2018, vol. 149, no. 4
BEFORT, N., "Going beyond definitions to understand tensions within the bioeconomy: The contribution of sociotechnical regimes to contested fields", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, April 2020, vol. 153
BEFORT, N., "The promises of drop-in vs. functional innovations: The case of bioplastics", Ecological Economics, March 2021, vol. 181
VIVIEN, F., M.NIEDDU, N.BEFORT, R.DEBREF, M.GIAMPIETRO, "The Hijacking of the Bioeconomy", Ecological Economics, May 2019, vol. 159
Research Talk Friday, May 18, 2022 -Online and Reims Campus, Andreas Pyka (Univ. Hohenheim), “The fairytale of technological spillovers -an alternative view on technological knowledge”.
Roundtable - May 12, 2022 - discussion co-organised by the CEBB, “Bioeconomy, territorial delepment, competitiveness and attractiveness” - featuring Nicolas Befort, NEOMA BS Professor Pascale Gailot, Région Grand Est Official Elected, Michel Mangion, CSR Director Cristal Union President of the Jacques de Bohan Association Territoire d’Industrie de Bazancourt-Pomacle, Valéry Michaux, NEOMA BS Professor and Franck Mode Research and Bioeconomy Project Manager Grand Reims.
Research Talk Tuesday, April 12, 2022 – Online- Karoline Rogge, Professor of Sustainability Innovation and Policy and principal investigator of the EMPOCI and SONNET projects “Fit for social innovation? Policy mix reflections for EU energy and climate policy making”
Research Talk- Wednesday, March 23rd , 2022 Online and Reims Campus, Andreas Pyka (Univ. Hohenheim), "Economic Growth, Structural Change and Transformation: what's important now?".
Paper presentation organised by NEOMA Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development – January 27th , 2022– Online- Prospering without growth ; Science, Technology and Innovation in a post-growth era, Dr. Mario Pansera Distinguished Researcher by the Universida de Vigo and affiliated Researcher at the Autonoma University of Barcelona and Director of the UVigo Post-Growth Innovation Lab.
Editors Talk –September 16, 2021 – Online - Guest speaker: Dr Colin Higgins, Co-Editor of Business & Society, associate Professor in the Department of Management and Associate Dean (International & Partnerships) at the Deakin Business School in Melbourne Australia
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Business Ethics", "Business Ethics" (e-learning module), "Circular Economy: Food Economics, Agribusiness and Sustainability", "Act for a sustainable transition", "Economics of the Ecological Transition", "Sustainable transition seminar",” "UN Day and International Climate Negotiations"
Aloïs Kanyinda, co-authored of a collective book awarded by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV): an output of UNIVIGNE, a multidisciplinary project on the evolution of the Champagne industry funded by the Grand Est Region, the book has received an award from OIV. Alois's contribution focuses on the impact of climate change on wine management in Champagne-Ardenne
Chairs, partners, and funded projects
The sub-AE includes two externally funded research projects:
- Blueprint to a Circular Economy (Interreg, EU), whose is goal is to test innovative solutions to accelerate the transition to a circular economy
- AgroBioEst (Grand Est Region), whose goal is to study the transition toward sustainable agriculture via bioeconomy
The sub-AE also integrates the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, funded by Grand Reims, Paris-Reims Foundation and the Chamber of Commerce. Created in 2012, the Chair studies how the bioeconomy can contribute to shift towards the ecological transition.
When environmental innovations are threatened by usages: the example of bioplastics
Based on what criteria can we be sure that innovation is environmentally beneficial? When does innovation reduce the consumption of resources? At what point does it limit our impact on ecosystems? Nicolas Béfort, director of the NEOMA BS Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, elucidates the question More information on NEOMA Blog here >
What is a label?
Nicolas Béfort discussed the definition of a label in answer to L'Avant JT's Question of the Day on France 3
Hydrogen for the future ?
Valery MICHAUX shares his analysis in “Hydrogène vert produit et utilisé localement, une autre vision du futur”, The Conversation, 01/06/2021
Professors: Oihab Allal-Chérif, Caroline André, Paolo Antonetti, Sami Attaoui, Nicolas Béfort, Gaël Bonnin, Branko Bozic, Loïc Ernest, Hae-Jung Hong, Aloïs Kanyinda Kasanda, Volker Kuppelwieser, Stéphane Lhuillery, Aikaterini Manthiou, Valéry Michaux, Vijay Pereira, Marianna Russo, Maryline Thénot, Laura Trinchera, Yen-Tsang Chen, Isabelle Ulrich.
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as : Université of Reims Champagne Ardennes (FR), Department of Agricultural Sciences, Federico II University of Naples (IT), Université de Paris (FR), University of Ferrara (IT), Institut de Recherche et Gestion (IRG) UPEC (FR), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IN), Coventry University (UK), Western University London (CA), Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances (FR), Department of Economics and Statistics-Federico II University of Naples (IT), University of Hohenheim (DE), Khalifa University of Science and Technology-Abu Dhabi (UAE), University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza (IT), Aston University (UK), University of Jammu (IN), ICADE Business School (ES), Amity International Business School (IN), Anglia Ruskin University (UK)Western University (CA), Brunel Business School (UK), KEDGE Business School (FR), The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (PL), University of Rome (IT), University of Turku (FI), Cranfield School of Management (UK), ESCP (FR), University of Heidelberg (DE), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT), Grenoble Ecole de Management (FR), Birbeck University of London (UK), International University of Monaco (MC), Laboratoire d’économie appliquée de Grenoble (GAEL)-LISIS (FR), ESIC Business and Marketing School (ES)
RUSSO Marianna