Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The World We Want
Inclusion, equality, and diversity
No poverty, gender equality, reduced inequalities are the UNO sustainable development goals we chose to address social problematics like marginalisation manifested in formal and informal organisational settings, or dealing meaningfully with social inequalities in organisations and the broader society. This subarea aims to promote scholarly debate and develop impactful research projects around questions of equality, diversity and inclusion in organisations, including academia.
Looking forward, the aim of this sub-area is to invigorate critical academic debates on the above-identified subjects of interest through a variety of school-specific and international events, such as R&R workshops, writing retreats, seminars and Editorial talks, bringing together colleagues with shared research interests. With openness to the international academic community and a restless curiosity for exposure to a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, this sub-area seeks to ignite multidisciplinary research endeavours invested in finding meaningful solutions to societal grand-challenges.
Ongoing research projects include:
- How to foster the voicing behavior of employees with disabilities and chronic diseases?
- How to integrate women in male dominated organizational settings?
- How to develop diversity in leadership?
- What are the socio-professional trajectories of refugees in western countries?
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "American latter-day saint business leaders: meta-ethical, prosocial, and transformational leadership" à paraître Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion
ALI, F., A.MALIK, V.PEREIRA, A.AL ARISS, "A relational understanding of work-life balance of Muslim migrant women in the west: future research agenda", International Journal of Human Resource Management, August 2017, vol. 28, no. 8
BELAOUNIA, S., R. TAO, H. ZHAO, "Gender equality's impact on female directors' efficacy: A multi-country study", International Business Review, October 2020, vol. 29, no. 5
FLETCHER-BROWN, J., S.TURNBULL, G.VIGLIA, T.CHEN, V.PEREIRA, "Vulnerable consumer engagement: How corporate social media can facilitate the replenishment of depleted resources", International Journal of Research in Marketing, July 2020
HONORÉ, L., G. GALINDO, H. ZANNAD, "Religion et management : état des lieux et perspectives de recherche sur un sujet sensible", Revue Française de Gestion, May 2019, vol. 45
HUDSON, S., H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, C. CLAASEN, "Societal Inequality, Corruption and Relation-Based Inequality in Organizations", Journal of Business Ethics, October 2021
MANDALAKI, E., M. PÉREZTS, "Abjection overruled! Time to dismantle sexist cyberbullying in academia", Organization, September 2021
Research Talk Thursday, October 6th 2022 – Online-Gazi Islam, Professor of People, Organizations and Society at Grenoble Ecole de Management, and member of the research laboratory IREGE (Research Institute for Management and Economics), will generously share his Editorial experience with us, as Joint Editor in Chief for the Journal of Business Ethics. Gazi also serves as Associate Editor for other leading journals in the field of Management and Organization Studies.
Writing Retreat –June 9 and 10, June- Featuring Katrine Meldgaard Kjær (University of Copenhagen), Mar Pérezts (Emlyon Business School) and Noortje van Amsterdam (Utrecht School of Governance), this 1.5 days writing retreat focuses on writing academic work differently through engagement with diverse writing patterns and methods. The event is limited to 15 participants on a ‘first come/first served’ basis.
Editors Talk – April 28, 2022 –Online- Professor Ajnesh Prasad, Canada Research Chair in Critical Management Studies and Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Management Learning. Ajnesh will generously share with us his experiences as Editor in leading academic journals in the field of Organizations and Management.
Editors Talk – March 25, 2022 -Online Prof. Alison Pullen, who will generously share her Editorial experiences with us, as Joint Editor in Chief of Gender, Work and Organization. Alison also serves as Associate Editor for other leading journals in the fields of Management and Organization Studies.
Participation to an event - February 25-at CET - CMS In-Touch event, dedicated to Publishing Critical Research at the journal Gender, Work and Organization (GWO). Emmanouela Mandalaki, newly appointed Editor for the Feminist Frontiers Section of the journal GWO, will join the other main Editors of the journal, Alison Pullen (Editor in Chief), Banu Ozkazanc-Pan (Editor in Chief) and Alice Wickstrom (Feminist Frontiers Editor), to run a discussion on how to publish critical research at GWO. Register here.
Paper presentation - December 16, 2021- Pierre Lescoat - Les biais cognitifs dans les processus d’évaluation de la performance individuelle en entreprise
Editors Talk - November 25, 2021 – Online -– Guest speakers: Prof. Marianna Fotaki, Senior Editor for the journal Organizations Studies
R&R Workshop - November 18, 2021 – Paris Campus - Help authors make their revisions in the context of reviewer comments and receive comments and ideas from participants on how best to achieve this
Editors Talk –September 16, 2021 – Online - Guest speaker: Dr Colin Higgins, Co-Editor of Business & Society, associate Professor in the Department of Management and Associate Dean (International & Partnerships) at the Deakin Business School in Melbourne Australia
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Managing Social Responsibility, Governance & Ethics", "Equity Diversity and Inclusion", "Corporate Social Responsibility", "Diversity & Sustainability Management in the Luxury Industry", "Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship"
Hedia ZANNAD and Pierre LESCOAT write contributions for a book on quantifying equality in the workplace. By contributing to such a book, Pierre Lescoat, Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs Department, and Hedia Zannad, People & Organisations Department, demonstrate the interest of NEOMA professors, as a community of researchers, in transdisciplinary research that addresses today's social issues. Learn more
Professors: Samia Belaounia, Wenhong Ding, Helena Gonzalez Gomez, Volker Kuppelwieser, Patrick Lê, Marc Lenglet, Pierre Lescoat, Stéphane Lhuillery, Emmanouela Mandalaki, Diana Mangalagiu, Vijay Pereira, Antoine Souchaud, Nathalie Spielmann, Anita Starzyk, Nathalie Subtil, Shiva Taghavi, Hedia Zannad.
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as: Louisiana State University (US), Delft University of Technology (DL), University of Cologne (DE), ICN Business School (FR), School of Business & Economics-North South University (BD), Shanghai University (CN) and UTS Business School-University of Technology Sydney (AU), Central European University (AT), Rennes School of Business (FR), Louisiana State University (US), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CN), Ruppin Academic Center (IL), University of Technology Sydney (AU), Department of Management Studies-Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IN), University of Technology Sydney (AU), University of Calgary (CA), School of Business and Economics-Swansea University (UK), University of Melbourne (AU), EM Lyon Business School (FR), Southampton Business School (UK), Telfer School of Management-University of Ottawa (CA)