Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is closed.
Scholars were invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) by July 31, 2022.
Each speaker can give only one talk.
Required information include:
- title
- authors
- affiliation (for each author)
- institution address (for each author)
- e-mail address (for each author)
- one to four keywords
- and at most five references.
Selected papers presented at DySES will be considered to be published on high level scientific journals.
Registration to the Conference by September 10, 2022 is mandatory for the communication to be included in the final programme.
Important deadlines
31 July 2022: abstract submission deadline
2 August 2022: notification of acceptance
15 August 2022: early registration
10 September 2022: regular registration to be in the programme
5-7 October 2022: conference