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19.00 Opening of the mini conference: Welcome dinner and socializing (Brasserie Boulingrin)


9.00 – Room 1B002 – Keynote speech by Prof. B. Wisse and coffee break

10.30 – 12.30 Two parallel morning sessions with oral presentations and feedback from keynote speakers/invited guests (3 papers each)

Session 1a (Room 1C108)

Session 1b (Room 1C109)

Alexandra Hauser (Munich Business School),  Ellen Schmid (Universität der Bundeswehr München) 

Dancing with the devil – Identifying strategies to cope with Exploitative Leadership”

Iris K. Gauglitz, Marco J. Held, and Astrid Schuetz (University of Bamberg,

 “Narcissism, leader-member-exchange, and job satisfaction of leaders and followers”


Nicole Ferry (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Emma Bell (Open University Business School, UK), Albin Blomkvist (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Eric Guthey (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Scott Taylor (Birmingham Business School, UK)   

Gender Trouble Brewing: Cultures of toxic masculine leadership in the craft alcohol sector”

Julia Saraiva (Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) , Liliane Furtado (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Filipe Sobral (Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil )

 “Yes, you can…but only: the influence of LMX relationships on leaders’ perceptions of remote workers’ boundary dynamics “

Janos Salamon  & Gabor Orosz (Université d’Artois, Arras, France )

Specific supervisor behaviors that meaningfully influence team members’ training transfer”

Urszula Lagowska, Dongkyu Kim, Birgit Schyns (NEOMA Business School, France)

 “Abusive supervision in hybrid: The moderating role of working regime on the relationship between daily changes in abusive supervision and sleep deprivation”

12.30-14.00 Lunch at NEOMA

14.00 – 16.00 two parallel afternoon sessions with oral presentations and feedback from keynote speakers/invited guests (3 papers each) with a coffee break

Session 2a (Room 1C108)

Session 2b (Room 1C109)

Daniel May (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), Birgit Schyns (NEOMA Business School, France), Jan Schilling,  (University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld Germany)

The negative impact of inconsistent leadership – An experimental study”


Sabine Daniel (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), Klaus Moser ( Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), and Susanne Rank ( Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences , Germany)

“The dual role of team commitment: mediator of team-focused leadership on intent to leave and “absorber” of detrimental individual-focused leadership effects”

Rahman Khan (Neoma Business School, France), Birgit Schyns (NEOMA Business School, France), and Jan Schilling (NEOMA Business School, France)

Linking Inconsistent Leadership & Employee’s Taking Charge Through Psychological Safety- The Moderating Role of LMX & Job Autonomy”


Tal Harel, Abira Reizer, and Uzi Ben-Shalom (Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Ariel University, Israel )

 “Helping Others Results in Helping Yourself: How Well-being is Shaped by Agreeableness and Perceived Team Cohesion”

David Hampton-Musseau  (University of Toulouse, France)

“Navigating Stormy Waters: Employee’s Emotional Abilities and Motives Interplay while Enduring Abusive Supervision”

Sophie-Claire Lusser (Universität Göttingen, Germany) 

Preferential Differences for Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership in a Student and Working Population”


9.00 – Room 1B002 – Keynote speech by Prof. M.Bashshur and coffee break

10.30 – 12.30 Two parallel morning sessions with oral presentations and feedback from keynote speakers/invited guests (3 papers each) with a coffee break

Session 3a (Room 1C108)

Emmanouela Mandalaki,  Helena V. Gonzalez – Gomez, and Shiva Taghavi (NEOMA Business School, France)

“If It’s Bad It Must Have Been on Purpose: Affect, Moral Attitudes, and Ethical Evaluations”


Miriam Arnold (Leibniz Institut für Resilienzforschung, Mainz, Germany), Lina Marie Mülder (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany), Xenia Bolschakow  (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany), and Thomas Rigotti (Leibniz Institut für Resilienzforschung, Mainz, Germany)

“Healthy Leadership Throughout a Workweek”

Svenja Sievers (University of Kiel, Germany), Claudia Buengeler  (University of Kiel, Germany), Diana Boer (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Deanne Den Hartog (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), and Silja Bellingrath (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

Causal Effects of Constructive and Destructive Leadership on Follower Well-Being: An Experimental Laboratory Study”


Sirio Lonati (NEOMA Business School, France)

“Support for autocratic leadership: Context, culture, and transmission”



Session 3b (Room 1C109)

Monika Thiel, Daniel May, and Rudolf Kerschreiter (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

 “Uncovering the role of high and low follower task performance as triggers of abusive supervision – a leader identity threat perspective”


Erik Waltré (NEOMA Business School) , Silian Schaller (Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands), Hannes Leroy (Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands), Anja Van Den Broeck (KU Leuven, Belgium) 

The Role of (Mis)aligning Leadership Claiming and Granting on Psychological Need Satisfaction and Burnout: Evidence from a 9-wave Monthly Diary Study”

Anna Dorothea Tabea Barthel, Claudia Buengeler (University of Kiel, Germany)

“Identity Conflict of Women Leaders: Identity Content (In)Congruence and the Moderating Role of Ambiguity Tolerance”


Patrik Fröhlich  (University of Wuppertal, Germany, Elvira Radacad University of Wuppertal, Germany), Ricarda Rehwald ( IU International University Erfurt, Germany), Timo Kortsch (IU International University Erfurt, Germany), Stefan Diestel (University of Wuppertal, Germany)

“Starting happy to innovate: Mediating effects of newcomers’ happiness and job satisfaction between servant leadership and innovative performance”

12.30-14.00 Lunch at NEOMA

14.00 -16.00 – Rooms 1C108 & 1C109 – Ideas incubator – round tables with the experts discussing new research ideas.

Closing speech

Registration is now closed

Important dates

Conference: 12-14 April 2023

Deadline for conference registration: 31 March 2023

Notification of paper acceptance: end of January 2023

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 January 2023