The event will take place on 12-14 April 2023, in Reims, France.
Interested participants must submit an abstract by January 20th, 2023 to the following email address: urszula.lagowska@neoma-bs.fr.
The abstract should be of no more than 1,000 words (including references). Authors will be notified of acceptance or otherwise by the end of January 2023.
Call for papers
We are inviting papers based on empirical and theoretical studies on leadership and followership (broadly defined) that are related to the mini-conference topic (“Leadership and Positive Change in Organisations”), including such topics as ethical leadership, abusive supervision, and leadership and followership identity, influence of leaders on well-being, for example.
The choice of papers for the presentations will be based on submitted extended abstracts in a structure including the following sections a) Purpose, b) Design/methodology/approach, c) Findings, d) Originality/Contributions e) Fit with the conference theme.
Presentations will be selected based on the quality of the submission by a committee (members of NEOMA Future of Work Area of Excellence and the keynote speakers).
Applicants will be prioritized for seats if their submissions were not selected for presentations.
Important dates
Conference: 12-14 April 2023
Deadline for conference registration: 31 March 2023
Notification of paper acceptance: end of January 2023
Deadline for abstract submission: 20 January 2023