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Executive Education

  • Executive Education
  • Global executive MBA

Whereas initial education intervenes before entry on the labour market, executive education is aimed at employees or job applicants. Its objective is to enable them to strengthen their skills, develop expertise, retrain or further enhance their professional career. In the context of the transformation of professions and questioning of traditional organisational models, training throughout one’s life is a necessity in order to maintain a foothold and take a step back in one’s career, to re-examine one’s aspirations and ambitions.

Executive education: what does the law say? Who is concerned?

Vocational executive training is cited in  article L6311-1 of the Fair labor standards act . Its objective is to keep people in employment, to promote their professional mobility, or to succeed in their reintegration (in the case of job seekers). Its implementation differs according to the status of the person who wishes to benefit from it – employed or job seeker – and according to the collective agreements.

How to evaluate an executive education project?

In order to mature an executive education project, it is recommended that you seek support from the Conseil en évolution professionnelle (Cep, a council for professional development), a free and personalised resource whose objective is to evaluate your professional situation. Support is provided by advisers from authorized organisations. This approach makes it possible to set up a professional development project and to guide applicants towards the various funding mechanisms. More information on mon-cep.org   

Employee: how to finance an executive education project?

Focus on two main resources.

  • Le Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)

The use of the CPF makes it possible to finance all or part of a course, for people in work or undergoing professional retraining. To use the CPF, the course in question must be registered with the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications). The CPF may be the subject of a contribution from the employer and / or Job Centre for job seekers. More information on   moncompteformation.gouv.fr/espace-prive  

  • The CPF “Professional Transition Project” (formerly CIF)

The Professional Transition Project is a category of CPF allowing employees wishing to change jobs to finance certification training as part of their professional project. The employer must give his consent 120 days before the start of the training. The project must also be validated by a regional agency   Transitions Pro  . The “Professional Transition Project” CPF may also be the subject of a contribution from the employer and / or from the Pôle Emploi (Job Centre) for job seekers.

Job seeker: what access is there to executive education?

Job seekers have access to training funded by the Pôle Emploi, the State and regionally. Two scenarios exist for job seekers. If the jobseeker does not receive unemployment benefit, they can, under certain conditions, benefit from the remuneration of their training by the Pôle Emploi: this is the “Pôle Emploi training remuneration” scheme. If the job seeker is compensated, they can request to benefit from the “Assistance to Return to Employment Training” (AREF) scheme.

A job seeker can also benefit from the credit of hours that they acquired when they were an employee by using their Personal Training Account.

More information on the funding mechanisms for training for job seekers on service-public.fr  

“Executive Education”: offering training courses aimed at managers

In the current context of uncertainty, increased digitization in organisations, the rise of societal and environmental issues… executive education is a way for executives to strengthen their skills, give new impetus to their careers and help build a more responsible and meaningful world of work.

The Executive Education offering for managers is rich: long or short courses, diplomas or certifications, in a long or accelerated format, partially on-line.

Training institutions, including management schools are now major players, and know how to adapt to the pace and availability of participants. They also offer tailor-made solutions to companies on functional or sectoral expertise.

The topics taught cover all the issues that a senior executive is or will be confronted with during their career: strengthening their adeptness in leadership, strategy and finance, value creation, piloting digital transformation, etc. The fields of management and leadership play a large role, while schools are increasingly focusing on questions of innovation, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR), personal development, etc.

Executive Education, a tool to re-examine one’s managerial career

Above all training is an experience, which is no doubt carried out within a professional framework, but which, very often, leads the participants to implement personal changes: the reinforcement of self-confidence, become more open with others and the world, searching for direction, adaptation… It is also possible to share your own professional experience with others and therefore be inspired by good practices and methods to increase effectiveness or to change your position:

“Traditional” skills – as solid as they are – are no longer sufficient to ensure career development and advancement. Executives must now develop their soft skills, learn to adapt to a changing world, show empathy, support digital transformations… in other words, work on their position and their state of mind. Executive Education offers this possibility.

As part of its “Executive Education” activity, NEOMA Business School provides executive education program diplomas, certificates and tailor-made, face-to-face or e-learning, on campus or in an organisation. NEOMA deploys a whole range of courses personalized to accompany the executives, managers and leaders in gaining competences or increasing employability in France and internationally.