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A fun, innovative learning project, created by Spanish teacher Antonio Diaz, for his students to help them practice their Spanish and test their investigative skills.

When he found out about the Library’s escape game, Antonio Diaz, a teacher with the Language Centre, wasted no time contacting Aurélie Duval, the driving force behind the original game, to suggest creating a new escape game in Spanish. A logic-puzzle enthusiast, Antonio wanted his students to learn how to use the Library’s resources, search for these resources correctly and practice their Spanish, and have fun at the same time! “Including gamification in the course means motivating the students with a format that strengthens cohesion and team spirit,” explains Antonio.

At the end of March, 140 Global BBA 1, CESEM 1 and CESEM 2 students took part a in an original Escape Game developed in its entirety by a highly motivated team of Library documentary researchers featuring Aurélie Duval, Mathilde Piard and Claire Verdier.

At the end of the escape game, Antonio heard a lot of positive comments about this innovative and interactive concept from his students. CESEM 1st year team members Léa Lamblot, Ambre Jobard and Apolline Guerin, for example, particularly appreciated the game’s instructive and educational aspect, which enabled them to work as a group together whilst having fun and discovering the Library’s educational tools. Léonie Marée, another CESEM 1 student, really liked this format too.

“Escape Game – something to be repeated, really enjoyable and helps learn new words in Spanish. Very well conceived, complex, a real mind challenge!” she says.

The Global BBA 1 students also praised the quality of the game.

 “Our group thought the escape game was really well written, the scenario well thought-out and good fun to solve. The fact that it was adapted for use in a Spanish class made the game even more rewarding.”Arthur Delhaye said. 

Among the positive points, a number of students also highlighted the link the Escape Game made to students in other classes. They saw this as a new way of working and strengthening solidarity between them.

Antonio Diaz is delighted with this opening experience and has proposed using the escape game to his Spanish department colleagues in Reims and Rouen in their classes. Norma Duboc, Adriana Mora, Heidy Ramirez and Nuria Morera have already agreed and attended a workshop set up by Antonio and Aurélie Duval on 8 April to show them how it works and how to use it in their classes.

Antonio is already thinking about a new escape game in Spanish for the start of the new 2021 School year. Congratulations to Antonio on this new teaching format, which his students are so enthusiastic about

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