A successful outcome for the Mobility Challenge!
Published on 09/25/2017
Thematics :
A successful outcome for the Mobility Challenge!
Published on 09/25/2017
NEOMA BS students on the Reims campus decided this year to participate in the Mobility Challenge that is proposed each year by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). The aim: to commute to work by means other than a single-occupant car.
As part of a course from the Master 2 “Complex Project Management” in the Master in Management programme, a group of students, with support from the school administration, decided to involve NEOMA BS in this challenge. In one month, they had to create a project from its first draft to its completion.
“While waiting for the Mobility Challenge to be set up in the Grand-Est Region, we received exceptional authorisation to participate in the Hauts-de-France portion of the challenge,” Marie Balohé explained, a student from the Grande Ecole Programme who was involved in the organisation.
Each participating organisation was free to adopt their own plan for motivating a large amount of employees and students! The student organisers from NEOMA BS decided to greet the participants with drinks and small cakes when they arrived at the campus. In the evening, a category-based prize drawing was held to award gifts that were connected to the mode of eco-responsible transportation chosen on the day: from tram tickets to discount vouchers at GO Sport for the athletes!
Despite the small amount of time they had to prepare and tell people about the challenge, the organisers signed up 342 participants, amounting to more than a third of the staff on campus!
“We are very happy to have signed up so many participants for this first edition! We had to deal with a deadline and put together within one month a project that turned out to have an unforeseen size. We are going to consider participating in the challenge next year in much better conditions and therefore have better results!” said Mari Balonhé.
Proportion of transportation means used:
Tram 46%
Bicycle 3%
Walking 31%
Carpooling 18%
Other 2%
And maybe those who changed their commuting habits for the day of the challenge will think to participate in the challenge next year!