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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

Over the course of an entire week, the three NEOMA campuses were taken over by Wellness Week: a programme filled with activities, events and prevention workshops. Objective: to raise awareness on health and well-being.

All staff members involved in well-being at NEOMA were called upon to take part in Wellness Week: from the Scholarships, Grants and Partnerships Centre, Welfare officers, the health care centres and a number of student associations, all contributed to providing a comprehensive programme for the entire school community.

A comprehensive programme covering many different aspects of well-being

From 5 to 9 October, the NEOMA campuses came alive with a wide range of initiatives. Two conferences were organised. The first on the theme of neuro-feedback, headed by Angela Dallemand, a certified practitioner, who spoke about the process that teaches individuals to regulate their brain activity in order to improve health and performance. A second conference organized by the student association, Ethika, focused on “Eco-anxiety amongst young people and how to react to it“.

A number of workshops were also held, including “Hand in Box”, a disability awareness resource provided by the disability awareness group, FEDEFÉH, whereby participants attempt to overcome a disability challenge. 

photo de l'atelier à l'aveugle

Students and staff were also given the opportunity to attend a naturopathy workshop combining a “smoothie bike” and a cookery workshop. Developed with the help of a dietician, the workshop aimed to combine pleasure and a healthily-balanced diet by reducing sugar and salt and diversifying fat content. Finally, a “Do It Yourself” workshop on the production of home-made cosmetics using natural and inexpensive ingredients was also held.

atelier de confection de cosmétiques

Art therapy also featured during Wellness Week. Based on an artistic activity, drawing in Rouen and percussion in Reims, art therapy is a way of seeking relaxation and serenity through the art. “Those who took part in this original workshop really enjoyed themselves,” says Matthieu Lucas, Head of the Scholarships, Grants and Partnerships Centre.

Sports activities also enjoyed a great success. Students and staff took part in a series of cross-fit, Wushu (a form of kung fu) and Sophrology activities.  “For many students, Sophrology was a new discovery and something they really enjoyed doing as they asked for more after the session!” says Adeline Lebouvier, Wellness team member and Sophrology coach.

Finally, the AMA massage activity also attracted great interest. Sitting in a special chair, participants received a wellness massage, combining physical and mental relaxation from an expert masseuse.

massage amma assi

To make such a full range of activities available, two partners joined forces with the Wellness team. Ornikar, an online driving school, came to speak to the students about road safety with a roll-over crash simulator and a drink-drive route. The Confucius Institute made a contribution to Wellness Week by providing an initiation in Wushu, the other name for Kung Fu.

Student associations playing the role of Wellness Week ambassadors

The role played by the NEOMA student associations was central to the success of Wellness Week.  “Their numerous stands made it possible to meet and talk to the students. The PEA students (those following the Entrepreneurial and Association Track) were true ambassadors,” says Matthieu Lucas. 

Guerric Hingray, Vice-President of Enactus, Reims, reflects on the event. “We agreed to participate in Wellness Week without any hesitation because we liked the idea of the project very much and it shares the association’s vision perfectly. We held many discussions with the students who came along and the feedback was really positive. We spoke a lot about well-being at work, following courses from home, how we felt on campus, our relationship with stress. They felt they could really let go and speak openly to us.”

Well-being, a theme that unites the School’s students and staff

“We designed Wellness Week as a rallying event,” explains Christine Cazor, Student Service Officer and event organiser. “The staff-student connection was not the main objective, but they were in so many meetings together and the discussions were very productive”.

A feeling shared by the two nurses on the Reims and Rouen campuses, for whom the sharing of information was a great success. “The students I met were curious to find out more about the treatment centre and how it operates, I also had many requests about Sophrology and making appointments with the psychologist,” says Marine Leroy.

But the meetings also had a human side to them. Isabelle Nimier, Head of the Employment & Skills Centre, explains: “I attended the Do-it-Yourself workshop on how to make simple, organic and inexpensive cosmetics! Beyond the workshop itself, it provided the perfect opportunity to share our own eco-responsible recipes and ideas with both staff and students together.” 

gagnant du permis ornikar

A highly successful week devoted to well-being “that means the students are now even more aware about the kind of wellness services available to them throughout the year,” concludes Matthieu Lucas.

Future projects, in partnership with MGEL, will soon be available on themes such as addiction prevention and sexual activity. And, given the level of interest, Wellness workshops will be held from November onwards to encourage taking up Sophrology and Qi Kong, as well as self-affirmation and emotion management.