Alumni talk to MiM students about societal impact
Published on 10/9/2024
Thematics :
Alumni talk to MiM students about societal impact
Published on 10/9/2024
As part of the seminars for the start of the academic year, students in the Master in Management programme were encouraged to ask a question: “On an individual basis, how can we have a real impact on the world around us?” To help them think about it, two very committed NEOMA alumni came to share their experiences and motivations. Here is an interview.
Amandine Hersant, 2008 Reims MiM graduate and General Manager at Planète Urgence of the SOS Group, and Pierre Paillereau, 2019 Rouen MiM graduate and founder of Citizens, talked about this during moment of sharing.
Amandine Hersant: “19 years ago, I was in their place. I had no idea what humanity had to go through. I didn’t know any statistics on the climate. I never heard about mass extinction. I had only seen a small part of human vulnerabilities and I didn’t know that a business school could lead to a job with an NGO. I would have loved to hear this talk. 19 years later, I thought about all those who helped lead me to pursue this career and my personal development.”
Pierre Paillereau: “When I started at NEOMA in 2015, I remember the speeches at the start of the year and two or three things shared with me. And I said to myself that when my turn came up, I was going to share messages on making an impact on the world of NGOs, on the world of associations and all the opportunities close their homes. Sometimes they only need to step through the door of an association. My main aim was to share my motivation and passion and also to tell them that you have the power to take action as a student, even if they don’t necessarily realise it”.
AH: “I talked to them about social entrepreneurship, societal commitment, planetary limits, courage, companies that need to die off and other that need to be developed, useful skills and unhelpful performance. I also told them that there is no right way to live, no miracle recipe to make an impact, that it was important to above all question yourself, understand, learn, question things, fight back, cooperate, develop good relationships, take action joyfully and not procrastinate on your involvement because there’s no putting it off, you should start now”.
PP: “I had them do an exercise so they could connect with their heart and say to themselves, ‘Ok. What really moves me to the core? What is the cause that moves me? People with disabilities, the climate, equal opportunity. What’s the thing, at my very core, that make me say that’s not normal’. Because it often starts there. It’s what you need to look for. You need to connect with that to do something wonderful and joyous”.
PP: “We have the power to take action and on our own level. NEOMA will encourage you to search for your dreams. When you are a student, you really don’t realise it. You have the time to get involved, but you don’t know what to do in the world of associations, how to take hold of all the causes, while everywhere you and your help are sought after. But actually, you can be decisive. There are a lot of student societies at the school where you can become involved. You have a vibrant campus life!
“And the means are available to you. If you have a project, you can pitch it, take it to an incubator, a professor. No one will tell you, ‘What is this thing?’ Everyone will try to make the most out of it.”
AH: “Thanks to the students for their appreciation throughout this emotional conference. We need directors that will profoundly change the status quo. I have faith in you and in the future”.
« Shot d’émotion… », LinkedIn post by Amandine Hersant
And coming soon: the Citizens venture by Pierre Paillereau