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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

In a market situation where apprenticeship training is attracting more and more students and businesses, the Rouen and Reims campuses of NEOMA Business School have renewed the "Apprenticeship Training Speed Recruiting" operation. 

Its purpose? To make the School's expertise in apprenticeship training and its network available to young people to give them every opportunity to find a host company.
Organized on April 20 and April 21 respectively on the campus of Rouen and Reims, the event brought together some twenty companies and more than 100 students wishing to pursue all or part of their curriculum on an apprenticeship training basis.  
On site, in addition to workshops devoted to the specifics of motivational interviewing and applications for apprenticeship training courses, interview sessions were also organized, allowing companies to recruit their future apprentices for assignments mainly based in the respective regions.