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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

Students from the NEOMA BS MSc in Marketing Intelligence and Innovation recently took on the role of innovation consultants for the firm Mars. Their mission was to develop a limited edition product for 2016.
They implemented a complete innovation process, based on their course seminars that train them perfectly for the whole of the process: consumer insight, design thinking, qualitative group, quantitative study, strategy definition, product development, action plan.

“In order to develop innovation differently, to ‘think outside the box,’ we decided to train the students in innovation based on new methods linked to Design Thinking. Design Thinking involves thinking about innovation by looking at user experience,” explains Françoise Collard, Head of the NEOMA Business School MSc in Marketing Intelligence and Innovation, on our Reims campus.

This experience of a professional project serving a real business is also transversal, since the NEOMA BS MSc students worked in partnership with student engineers from ESIReims on engineering aspects of the packaging, and with a designer on the visual identity of the pack-aging.

On 19 February, 6 groups presented six new Mars ice cream bars to Valérie Savoy, Talent Director, and Clara Janoray, Ice-cream Marketing Director and to professors from NEOMA BS and ESIReims.
“The students proposed high-quality products. We were extremely impressed by their perfor-mance,” enthused Clara Janoray.

A genuine success for the students, their creativity and their professionalism, that was greeted by the chocolate giant MARS!

>>Find out more about the NEOMA Business School MSc in Marketing Intelligence and Innovation.