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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

Technology is often seen as a miracle solution, but often, the way it is implemented is not sufficiently studied beforehand nor analysed afterward.
As part of the European project VISTA-AR, which aims to introduce virtual and augmented reality technology to tourist sites, Gaël Bonnin, professor of Marketing and SPoC Institute director at NEOMA BS, studies the visitor’s experience. Presentation…

>Discover all articles and videos about VISTA-AR project

Project website: www.vista-ar.com


Programme priority: To realise the potential of natural and cultural assets to deliver innovation and sustainable growth.

The allocated budget is €8,292,568.68 with European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-funding of 69%.

This includes an extension with budget awarded in November 2020 to allow the project to mitigate the risks of the pandemic.