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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

More than a skill or an activity, NEOMA BS considers entrepreneurship as a genuine mind-set. To breathe the spirit of entrepreneurship into its community, the School organises a number of schemes, including a business incubator based in Rouen and Reims, and now in Paris.

More than a skill or an activity, NEOMA BS considers entrepreneurship as a genuine mind-set. To breathe the spirit of entrepreneurship into its community, the School organises a number of schemes, including a business incubator based in Rouen and Reims, and now in Paris. The School’s incubator has expanded with a branch in the 9th district of Paris, very near the NEOMA Business School Paris campus.

The offices cover 100m2, with co-working areas and meeting rooms, close to major decision-making and investment centres, and aim to provide the School’s students and graduates with an area in which they can develop their ability to act, to innovate and to create, in the best possible conditions. “More than 60% of the projects nurtured by our incubator target the Paris market,” stresses Denis Gallot, Director of the NEOMA BS Business Incubator. “Given this fact, the incubator had to open a branch as close as possible to the market and to potential investors.” Like the Reims and Rouen branches, the Paris office of the incubator aims to support the School’s current students and recent graduates developing company start-up projects. “This is a need that graduates have often expressed, and it appeared important to respond to the call.”

Up till now, the projects developed by young Parisian entrepreneurs could be nurtured by a virtual incubator in which the budding entrepreneurs benefited from all the usual support structures (coaching, mentoring, networking with the School’s community, etc.) The opening of this branch at the heart of the capital, which occurs immediately after the incubator celebrated its 5th anniversary, provides great development potential for the organisation, which is already teeming with ambitious projects and start-ups that are well on the way to success.

“We are convinced that this new structure will enable us to continue increasing our “deal-flow,” which is the number of projects presented and supported annually. Our ambition is to reach a total of 50 projects nurtured per year!”