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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

The EMBA Executive Leadership and Engagement training organized with the Marines School was held from June 19th to 22nd. At the heart of this strong pedagogical time, three major objectives: mental resistance, facing the unknown, and showing one's ability to take a step back. 

On June 19, they were several EMBA students form the 23rd prom', divided into 3 groups, leaving for this intense training. As for the programme: a collective brief, the attribution of the packages and a technical initiation of the different types of progression. 

Supervised by representatives of the French Navy, the NEOMA BS students had the opportunity to participate in 6 missions based on different contexts: surveillance, intelligence gathering, courses in a hostile environment, etc. This exercise, which comes at the end of the course, is based on an educational method inspired by the training of officers of the naval school. 

An exceptional experience

The trainees are jostled, in a context where the constraints and complexity are increasing. Participants alternate situational exercises and hot debriefs. In addition, there were short resting phases that put the nerves under severe strain. 

"We had 4 EXTRAordinary days in the literal sense of the term," says Alexandra CAPPADORO, operational marketing manager and EMBA student this year. "We have experienced incredible things without much sleep time: 10 hours as for me.”   These four days have been an opportunity for everyone to draw from deep within them. An "unforgettable" experience that will remain etched in the minds of everyone! This internship allowed them to measure the importance of effective, simple, team communication in the face of danger, tiredness or simply facing the unknown.