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Calling on a professional to negotiate or renegotiate a loan: a good choice, according to Stéphane Fourneaux, live on France 3 on 1st April.

The broker acts as an intermediary: he takes care of all the procedures to establish a solid case and present it to the bank.  
The individual saves time and improves his chances: a well-prepared case can make the difference in these times of economic crisis, when banks are more cautious.  The broker has the technical skills to prepare the case as well as possible in response to the specific needs of his customer and to obtain the loan at the best possible rate.
There are also advantages for the bank: the broker guarantees reliability and saves time; thanks to his preliminary work, a single appointment with the customer will be enough to finalise the loan.
The broker is paid half by the bank and half by the customer, a total of 1-2% of the amount of the loan. The payment is only made once the negotiation is complete and the loan is obtained.
>>See the report (at 06’19): Un courtier, à quoi ça sert ? Champagne Ardenne Matin, 01/04/2014

Stéphane Fourneaux, Professor of Finance at NEOMA Business School [+] regularly appears on  France 3 in the programme Champagne-Ardenne Matin, presented by Valérie Alexandre, who interviews experts from the region about topical issues.