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A hundred or so Master in Management students are currently working on a case study for the Kinder brand. An ambitious and highly strategic project for students who have opted to specialise in Marketing....

Ferrero is one of NEOMA BS's main partners and students are currently working on a number of business cases for the company. Students in the last year of their Master's in Management course, who have chosen the Marketing Brand & Business Development specialisation, are working on a Kinder-Ferrero case study.
"128 students have been working on an exciting challenge: the communication relationship between the parent brand and the sub-brands for the power brand Kinder," explains Isabelle Ulrich, associate professor and specialization manager.

Divided into small groups, the students analysed a wide range of the brand's ads and learned about the media investment policy. Their objective: to develop a set of recommendations for Ferrero's Kinder Marketing team for next year's communication campaign.
The students thoroughly enjoyed working on this case study," says Isabelle Ulrich. "They have many medias resources at their disposal and, from a strategic point of view, the case is very interesting for their specialisation.

The winning project will soon be selected by Ferrero's Managing Director

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An initial presentation of the students' work took place in Rouen on 10 January, retransmitted in streaming in Reims, in the presence of Kinder's Marketing Director, Loïc Lallier, and the Brand's Group Manager, François-Xavier Martin-Prevel.

The next round is set for March, when the 6 best teams are to present their projects at the company's headquarters to the KINDER team and Jean-Baptiste Santoul, Ferrero's Managing Director, who will select the winning project.