2 years in France, 2 years abroad, dual diploma: CESEM has been the most international programme offered by NEOMA since its creation in 1974. Its longevity and success are also due to its ability to adapt to the needs and expectations of new generations of students. Interview with Frédéric Beaumont, CESEM director.
For several years now, students have seemed to hesitate more over the choice of the destination for their dual diploma. How do you explain that?
It’s certainly a reflection of society, but also the result of a policy aimed at developing new partnerships. We have expanded our network so we can offer high-potential countries to our future graduates who will master English and the native language of the country and who will gain greater cultural insight.
With this aim, we have already opened new exchange options in Russia, Japan (2 partners), Brazil and Canada (3 partners). Obviously, the expansion of opportunities also makes the choice harder!
As a result, what have you put in place to help students choose during the entrance exams?
During the Sésame entrance exams and to take into account geographic mobility and cultural openness of its future students, CESEM now offers 3 entrance tracks: the Europe track (Germany England, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Russia, Ireland), the Asia track (China and Japan, and soon several others) and the Americas track (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and soon many others).
Is CESEM still a track of excellence?
Of course! We have more heavily weighted the LV1 in the entrance exams, making the CESEM the most demanding school for this type of criteria. Also, ParcourSup now takes into account academic records. CESEM is one of the programmes in the Sésame exam system that places the greatest value in students with good records.
>Learn more about CESEM at NEOMA Business School