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The co-founder of Veepee, a NEOMA MiM class of 2001 graduate and the president of NEOMA Alumni, Ilan Benhaim participated in the “Rencontres inspirantes” conference cycle organised by NEOMA on 14 October 2024.

Interviewed by two students, he talked about the secrets of the Veepee success story, shared his experience as an entrepreneur and explained the strength of the alumni network.

What Eva, third-year student in the NEOMA Global BBA in Rouen, took away:


“Just yesterday, I had the chance to attend an inspiring conference with the speaker being the co-founder of Veepee, Ilan Benhaim, a MiM graduate of NEOMA Business School. He shared his experience with us as well as captivating thoughts on entrepreneurship and online commerce. And obviously, I couldn’t leave with sharing a few concepts that resonated with me.

  • The offer generates the demand: We often think that it’s advertising that attracts customers, but the truth is otherwise. You first need to have an exclusive, adapted, quality offer. This is not done by “creating” the demand, but by responding to real customer needs that will naturally attract their attention.
  • Continuous innovation is key: To succeed, you can’t just innovate one single time; you need to keep innovating. Each improvement, each idea has to be guided by one thing: improving your customers’ experience. Their satisfaction is our growth driver.
  • Never go it alone in entrepreneurship: One point that stuck with me was the importance of a team. No one can succeed alone. There’s a solid reason why at NEOMA Business School we’re often told that “You go faster alone, but you go farther together”. Being surrounded by the right people helps you face challenges more calmly and make better decisions.

“Here is the advice from Ilan Behaim for all those who want to or have just started out in entrepreneurship: “Keep going, keep learning and above all don’t be afraid of failure” because it’s our failures that hold the greatest lessons.

Thank you so much for this feedback and these insights, Ilan Benhaim!”

See LinkedIn post by Eva

“Thank you for your loyalty and for accepting to share your time and expertise with us today. We are very happy to speak with you here at this school where you got your start and to see just how successful you’ve become. Your commitments inspire today’s generation”, Delphine Manceau said during her introduction.