Published on 07/16/2014
Thematics :
Published on 07/16/2014
The Champagne-Ardenne In-service Training Federation (FFP) organised a round table on 24 June on the subject of “New technologies at the service of in-service training: challenges and opportunities.”
See the video
“In a context of constant transformation induced by reform and the systemic emergence of innovative digital teaching tools, the aim of the round table was to better understand the opportunities offered by this revolution and to develop new ones. The fact that digitisation has become an integral part of the demand for training was confirmed by the nine internationally recognised specialists, renowned professionals and researchers in the field of computing and training assembled for the event in front of an audience of sixty or so company human resources or training managers and heads of training organisations.” (source: FFP)
NEOMA Business School was represented at the event by Marie-Laure Massué, Director of the Teaching & Learning Centre, who stressed the importance of technologies that make training more accessible, inductive, entertaining, personalised and participative.
“Technologies represent definite pedagogical value added in the methods used for initial and continuing education, specifically in the development of experiential learning that is so important in management training that organisations expect.”
Monsieur Jean-Marc BEGUIN, President of the Champagne-Ardenne Regional In-service Training Federation, assembled the following specialists:
Jean-Marc TASSETTO (Founder and Head of CoorpAcademy), Nicolas HERNANDEZ (Co-founder and CEO of 360Learning), Michel DIAZ (Associate Director of the Féfaur consultancy), Pierre-Yves CONNAN (Lecturer and Researcher in Information Sciences, ESPE Reims, CEREP and University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne), Marie-Laure MASSUÉ (Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre, NEOMA Business School), Mathieu HEIDSIECK (Director of Communication and Marketing, XperTeam), Jordane PÂQUET (Associate Director, Interaction-Games), Odile JACOTIN-LEGRAS (Deputy Director, AGIF Groupe SVP), Corinne VALENTIN-CRÉ (Director, Opcalia Champagne-Ardenne).
NEOMA BS also took part in the organisation of the round table: Adam JAWOROWSKI, a third year student in the BBA programme, is carrying out an internship as Assistant to the Champagne-Ardenne Regional President of the In-service Training Federation, Monsieur Jean-Marc BEGUIN. One of Adam’s responsibilities was to co-organise the entire event, from recruiting specialists to leading the round table.
> Find out more: read the FFP press release (in French)