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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

The 2nd International Conference on Customer Management will take place on Reims campus on September 19, 2013. Co-organized by NEOMA Business School Customer MAnagement Center (CMAC) and Institut de Recherche en Gestion de l’Université Paris-Est, this year’s research theme is "Customer Problems, Problems Customers".

Traditionally, organisations have viewed their customers as external players who have to be "satisfied." However, in recent years a more complex approach to the status of customers within organisations has developed. A significant amount of research has underlined the fact that although customers have to be satisfied, in a broader sense they are the source of a whole range of problems for organisations. By problem we understand here any question asked by a customer, either explicitly or otherwise, which will lead an organisation to query which response is to be made. Four areas of research appear representative of this change.

>> read more on the dedicated website