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Thematics :

Today, in the presence of the Prime Minister, Manuel VALLS, and his Chinese opposite number, Li KEQIANG, our School signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Universities Innovation Alliance (IUIA).
This agreement concerns the creation of a joint Franco-Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship platform, and more precisely the creation of incubators in France and accelerators in China.
The extensive experience of NEOMA Business School in piloting multi-site incubators makes the School the ideal partner for these projects that combine innovation and entrepreneurship.

With this joint agreement, NEOMA Business School becomes the preferred partner of IUIA in France and joins a network of prestigious international universities and business schools (Cambridge, Oxford, Peking, MIT, Tsinghua, etc.). The cooperation covers two main fields: developing international innovation and incubators, and collecting venture capital funds. “We are particularly proud of the confidence IUIA is showing in our School,” stressed Frank Bostyn, Dean of NEOMA Business School. “This new agreement is evidence of our recognised expertise in the development of structures to promote entrepreneurship.”