Le Parisien’s ranking 2022: NEOMA is ranked 7th
Published on 05/19/2022
Thematics :
Le Parisien’s ranking 2022: NEOMA is ranked 7th
Published on 05/19/2022
Today, Le Parisien published its ranking of the best business schools and ranked NEOMA Business School 7th, the same as last year.
In the thematic rankings, the Master in Management (MiM) stands out in particular for:
NEOMA has also made progress in the “Infrastructure” category, notably thanks to the new Paris and virtual campuses.
In the editorial section, Le Parisien has published an interview with the School on its new teaching methods.
With this ranking, which closes the season, NEOMA has improved or maintained its position in all the French rankings this year, confirming its positive momentum.