NEOMA and Provale Formation to help rugby players to reconvert
Published on 12/19/2022
Thematics :
NEOMA and Provale Formation to help rugby players to reconvert
Published on 12/19/2022
NEOMA and Provale Formation, the training organisation of the professional rugby players’ union, strengthen their collaboration with the launch of an Executive Manager programme.
Partners for a real estate course since January 2021, NEOMA and Provale launch a new training course that combines management, entrepreneurship and project management.
The Executive Manager course that began in September 2022, adds to the Real Estate Manager course jointly launched by NEOMA and Provale Formation in 2021. “The first co-launched sector-specific training course on real estate for our members was a great success,” explains Robins Tchale Watchou, manager of Provale Formation. “As such, it was quite natural and in total confidence that we decided to work alongside NEOMA once again on this more general training course proposition.”
This new Executive Manager training course follows two distinct tracks, in French and in English. “Our training organisation attracts people from a wide variety of international backgrounds, making it essential for us to expand our offer with courses that are accessible to international players,” explains Robins Tchale Watchou. The very first Executive Manager course intake includes more than 9 nationalities, with players from Botswana, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand in particular. “This new course also reaffirms our strong commitment to the development of our members’ skills.”
“We are delighted to be once again offering our expertise and our understanding of the professional world to Provale and its members in their professional transition efforts,” says Stéphane Dubreuille, Director of NEOMA Executive Education.
The Executive Manager course is a level 6 qualification and registered with the RNCP, meaning that trainees will obtain a diploma that is recognised on the job market.