Published on 11/25/2014
Thematics :
Published on 11/25/2014
And they’re off for the 2014 Grand Prix! This fundraising campaign, organised by NEOMA BS Foundation, aims to collect as many donations as possible for Academic Scholarships for the School’s students. This financial assistance will be awarded to talented students who lack financial means, to help them fulfil their professional ambitions.
“This year we are offering everyone the chance to contribute to equality of opportunity at NEOMA BS, by becoming what we call an ‘Ambassador’ for the Foundation, explains Liza Galopin, the Director of the Foundation. “These ambassadors play a crucial role in fundraising, because they appeal to their communities. Our students count on the ambassadors, and they are not disappointed, because they throw themselves into the challenge body and soul, but in a spirit of friendly, generous competition.”
Whether you are an alumnus, a student society, a member of staff or one of the School’s professors, you too can act by becoming an ambassador for the Foundation or by supporting an existing community. Find out more at
The best communities will be honoured at an awards ceremony to take place at the beginning of 2015.
> I visit the website of the 2014 Grand Prix
> I make a gift in favour of scholarships
Get clicking!
Fondation NEOMA BS :
Vincent Belhassen et Flora Davoult