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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

ANDRH, which has anticipated and supported change in the field of Human Resources for over 60 years, organised its summer university in Reims on 16 and 17 June 2016. Organised around conferences and workshops, ANDRH University is the association’s principal event, and aims to give its members the opportunity to look at HR issues from an objective viewpoint.

“Taking part in the event gave NEOMA BS an opportunity to create contacts with human resources managers from major national firms, to promote our New Careers Chair, particularly its newsletter, H.R. Insights, and to work on developing the School’s reputation locally,” stresses Pauline Maltret, Corporate Relations Development Manager.

NEOMA BS was also represented through the presentations by Rachel Beaujolin on the topic of “HR, breaking with tradition: the role of the HRM as an agent of permanent transformation” and by Jean Pralong in a workshop entitled “Young and polished, an end to generations XYZ.”