NEOMA BS professor joins the governance of AMS – one of the top academic marketing associations globally
Published on 05/2/2018
Thematics :
NEOMA BS professor joins the governance of AMS – one of the top academic marketing associations globally
Published on 05/2/2018
Nicholas Paparoidamis, Full Professor and Head of the Marketing department at NEOMA Business School has just been elected for a six-year term on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS).
Nicholas Paparoidamis has been actively involved with AMS since 2001; elected twice as Vice President for International Membership since 2014 and served as chair of conferences and track chair.
“It’s a great honour for me to have been elected on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science. I have always been enthusiastic about contributing my expertise and experience to the service of AMS”, commented Nicholas.
Academy of Marketing Science is a consortium of university academicians and business executives from all over the world. Its mission is to promote “high standards and excellence in the creation and dissemination of marketing knowledge and the furtherance of marketing practice through a role of leadership within the discipline of marketing around the world. The Academy is committed to the highest of ethical standards in the pursuit of this mission”.