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Thematics :

Carlos RABASSO, professor in intercultural and diversity management at NEOMA Business School has released “Le management responsable. Approche critique et transculturelle” (Responsible Management: a critical, transcultural approach), co-written with Bernard Sionneau and Javier Rabasso, published by Ellipses Marketing, in their management collection, in February 2017.

Presentation by the publisher:
Responsible Management: a critical, transcultural approach, proposed a systematic analysis, in “thought networks” of organisational management and its economic, cultural and socio-political contexts in the face of  globalisation in which the major players are torn between  global irresponsibility and socially responsible engagement. The first part of this work, entitled “Mondiologie”, provides a critical, interdisciplinary, engaged and enlightening analysis of internal and external political sociology (International Relations) and suggests the powers at work behind the social   disruption caused by globalisation. The second part, entitled “Responsible Management: a critical, transcultural perspective”, presents analyses and forecasts in a complex context where knowledge of others and respect of cultural difference are essential to facilitate organisational management that is open to dialogue.
The book invites “engaged” readers, whether students or teachers of economics, management or social sciences, or company and organisational executives, to set up a new global society  that shares knowledge and goods, that targets solidarity and dialogue between cultures, and  happiness for all. Through this personal commitment to critical thinking, the authors consciously take the risk of encouraging readers not to agree with their analyses but to find their own approach, their own answers and opinions.

Book in French.