Peer-learning: “We are Peers” seminar of the Associative Entrepreneurship Course
Published on 07/10/2020
Thematics :
Peer-learning: “We are Peers” seminar of the Associative Entrepreneurship Course
Published on 07/10/2020
In the Associative Entrepreneurship Course of the MIM programme, students take classes in the morning and spend the afternoon managing an association such as a micro-enterprise. As President, Treasurer, etc., they are de facto exercising managerial responsibilities.
The pedagogical devices put in place in this course are designed to accompany students in the transition from action to a more comprehensive understanding.
The latest AEC seminar uses a tool dedicated to the methodology of peer learning: WeArePeers, a web app that allows students to gather their knowledge and then think about it in thematic groups and finally produce data sheets through which they will pass on this knowledge to their successors. Thanks to this learning community, students become aware of the scope of their associative experience and thus will be able to highlight it to companies. "Our ambition is for recruiters to realize that these students are already at a typical level of young managers, not just young graduates,” concludes Rachel Beaujolin, Professor at the People and Organisations Department of NEOMA.
>NEOMA Business School's Master in Management Programme
>We Are Peers, learning among peers