Presentation at the conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Published on 09/11/2018
Thematics :
Presentation at the conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Published on 09/11/2018
The chair in Industrial Bioeconomy at NEOMA BS attended the 6th conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology in the Asia-Pacific region.
11/09/2018 – Presentation at the conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology Manuel Morales, researcher for the Chair Industrial Bioeconomy at NEOMA BS travelled to Qingdao, China, to participate in the 6th conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology in the Asia-Pacific region. Working with Arnaud Diemer from Clermont Auvergne University, he gave a presentation titled Pathway clues to Industrial Symbiosis: Methodological and analytical engagements in France, concerning new multi-scale analysis models applied to the circular economy in the French industrial ecosystem.