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The Harold and Muriel Berkman Faculty Achievement and Development Award from the Academy of Marketing Science has been presented to Adilson Borges during the last Annual Conference, which was held in Indianapolis last May 2014.

"I am extremely honored to receive this award from the Academy", said Professor Borges, "and I would like to thank the Academy of Marketing Science for this recognition".

The Academy of Marketing Science is an international, scholarly, professional organization. It is dedicated to promoting high standards and excellence in the creation and dissemination of marketing knowledge and the furtherance of marketing practice through a role of leadership within the discipline of marketing around the world. The Academy is committed to the highest of ethical standards and collegiality in the pursuit of this mission.

This award confirms the international impact of the Faculty Members of NEOMA Business School.

Adilson BORGES, Associate Dean for Faculty at NEOMA Business School, is also Programmes Vice-President of the Academy of Marketing Science and the author of several articles on retail consumer behaviour and on social marketing.
His work has appeared notably in Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, Journal of Retail and Consumer Services, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, and Journal of Retail and Distribution Management.