Research and territory: studies to boost tourism
Published on 04/12/2018
Thematics :
Research and territory: studies to boost tourism
Published on 04/12/2018
The article by Nathalie Spielmann "In Virtuo: How User-Driven Interactivity in Virtual Tours Leads to Attitude Change" was accepted in March by the review Journal of Business Research, which holds a three-star CNRS ranking.
This article is one of the results of a research project conducted by the professor from the Marketing department at NEOMA Business School and supported financially by Grand Reims metropolitan area.
“NEOMA Business School has many different forms of pedagogic and research expertise so it can be involved with local actors, such as the Office of Tourism, and committed to the development of the region’s attractiveness,” said Sylvie Jolly, Manager of Research Partnerships for NEOMA BS.
Nathalie Spielmann added: “This research examines how in virtual tours, user-driven interaction results in telepresence (ie. an immersive state), leading to augmented attitudes towards the object, thus encouraging consumers to interact with the object in real life. The results of the research-action efforts offer many different avenues of reflection for local decision makers to help them in the deployment of different actions such as the advertising format to use, so they can enhance the value of our region.”
This article has been available online since March and will be published in the Journal of Business Research, Volume 88, July 2018, Pages 255–264.