Further to the announcement made by the French President of the Republic on Wednesday October 28 , we will be making the necessary adjustments and we have taken the following decisions (This may change according to official instructions):
- From Friday 30th October, all classes and examinations will take place remotely, in order to ensure the continuity of your education, in accordance with the initially planned schedule.
In- person classes will resume as soon as the government authorizes this to happen, but those of you who will not be able to attend will still have the possibility to continue your classes remotely until the end of December. As for the exams, regardless of the situation, these will take place remotely. This information applies only to the end of 2020. For 2021, the conditions will be revised according to the evolution of the situation.
- Students following an internship or apprenticeship must follow the guidelines of their employers
- Students on an exchange programme abroad must follow the guidelines of their host academic institution. Our Wellness Center is on hand to assist you in preserving your wellbeing so that you do not suffer from loneliness. Several services are thus accessible remotely and face-to-face, by appointment (consultations with nurses, psychologists and Handicap referents).
- All of the services at the school are operational. Most will operate remotely. However, to guarantee better continuity of certain activities, and to be alongside students who feel the need for a physical reception, several services directly concerning the students ensure a permanent presence on campus (Programmes, internships and apprenticeships, International Relations, Wellness centre…).
- In order to maintain the link and answer all students’ questions, the Programme teams organise weekly “Meet your Director” virtual meetings. They make it possible to maintain regular contact between teams and students. Everyone can also take advantage of this convivial moment to discuss how to best live this distance learning experience.
- The libraries also remain open to allow students to work on site, access documentary funds or borrow books. They are equipped with computer equipment and provide internet access. This equipment is intended, as a priority, for students who do not have the equipment or the connection necessary for monitoring distance learning. This access is only possible by appointment·
- A catering service is reinstated to offer the possibility of lunch on campus.
We are thus ready for an immediate switch to 100% virtual classes, so that you can pursue cursus of students and take their exams in the best conditions possible. Moreover, thanks to surveys carried out with students, faculty and school staff last spring, we can now provide enhanced remote learning conditions.
The health and safety of all our community and the smooth running of your tuition remain our priority, so rest assured we will do everything necessary.