Seminar in Crisis Communication for Corporate Communications Strategies Advanced Master programme’s students
Published on 06/11/2019
Thematics :
Seminar in Crisis Communication for Corporate Communications Strategies Advanced Master programme’s students
Published on 06/11/2019
This year's crisis communication seminar was relocated to the Enedis offices in La Défense. Students on the Advanced Master Degree in Corporate Communication were invited to spend a day with the company.
The visit provided the students with the opportunity to learn more about the company's activities, visit the Enedis crisis room and observe the crisis management procedures put in place by the company. They were also invited to take part in a practical exercise headed by the seminar facilitator and Enedis.
The students therefore worked on a realistic case. allowing them to make recommendations concerning a recent crisis at P&G. They were also able to exchange with the ENEDIS crisis communication teams at the end of the seminar.
The day closed with a question-answer session with Johanna Slama, Press officer, Aurore Falduti, Head of Monitoring, Alerts and Crisis Management at Enedis, and Nadège FOUCHER, 2000 Master in Management graduate and currently Communications Director France Benelux with Procter & Gamble.
>Learn more about NEOMA Business School’s Advanced Master in Corporate Communications Strategies programme