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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

On Monday, 2 October, the NEOMA Talent & Career Department organised “What about me afterwards”, a day where fourth- and fifth-year TEMA students met with young graduates from the same programme. It was a way of reassuring the young students about their entrance into the working world.

Here are four benefits of this meeting:

  • The student/alumni meetings create a bridge between academia and the professional world. They offer students practical advice about their future.
  • The honest discussions dispel myths and provide authentic insight into life after graduation.
  • The new connections stand as future opportunities, vital in a competitive world.
  • By talking about their different career paths, the alumni can give students the determination to pursue their dreams.

“Such events are essential for teaching the next generation of leaders”, Helen VALLERAND-MASTRI, career expert at our business school, said at the start of the meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 2024.


Associated programme

TEMA Tech & Management

TEMA is a unique 5-year programme offering an innovative curriculum combining management, technology and creativity, paired with ground-breaking teaching methods.
  • Full time
  • 5 years
  • Paris from the 1st to the 2nd year, Reims