The Part Time Advanced Masters & Masters of Science students begin their school year on the Paris campus
Published on 10/19/2021
Thematics :
The Part Time Advanced Masters & Masters of Science students begin their school year on the Paris campus
Published on 10/19/2021
An induction seminar focusing on leadership and networking was organised for the 550 part time Advanced Masters & MSc students to kick off their studies on the brand new Paris Campus.
Odile Letrillart, Director Advanced Masters & MSc Part Time programmes, welcomed the new intake of students:
“It is an emotional start to the new school year, both for the students, who are delighted to be back on campus, and for us, the professors and staff, who are thrilled to see one another again”.
Upon their arrival, Odile Letrillart spoke to the students about team spirit, the projects they’ll be working on together and the School’s values they’ll be representing as they begin their professional contracts in their companies. She then drew attention to the fact that as both students and employees, the year ahead would be hectic and demanding. She also congratulated them on being selected to join NEOMA and being taken on by their company: “They are the future managers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow, we believe in them and it’s important to start the year by reminding them of that!”
The induction day continued with a presentation of the School’s different departments: the Hub, Registrar, Library, Talent & Career and Wellness Centre. Then each Head of Programme met their students to introduce the year’s programme and what is expected of them.
For the second part of the seminar, the students were invited to work on notions of leadership and networking. First of all, with a game based on colours related to personality traits, the students were invited to venture out and talk to others they perhaps didn’t know. Then, thanks to a LinkedIn competition, the students learned that their classmates, their professors and NEOMA staff made up their first network. By experimenting, they understood the strength of it!
To close the day, Odile Letrillart encouraged the students to be actively involved in their education and in their lives: “Make your own choices! It is this strength that you will be able to make a difference!”