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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

The students of the Advanced Master in Marketing & Data Analytics visited the 123 Data exhibition organised by the EDF Group Foundation. The exhibition focused on the theme of data and design.

In a context of profusion of data, data design is a very important issue in terms of formatting, viewing as well as identification of new opportunities of exploitation" indicates Othman BOUJENA, Professor of Marketing and coordinator of this visit.

Students have benefited from an initiatory journey to the heart of the datasphere and the works of designers, artists and researchers representing through various forms (sculptures, installations, graphics, etc.) and materials, the complexity of the  ecosystems data. "123 Data exhibition is an initiative combining aesthetic and didactic. This educational tour helped students to know more about the creation with the data. Moreover, it allowed several current issues to be discussed such as climate change, the protection of personal data, medical communication, social inequalities or yet the visualization of social media data" adds Othman BOUJENA.

>read more about the Advanced Master in Marketing and Data Analytics of NEOMA Business School