Valery Michaux is a professor of strategy, strategic foresight and economic intelligence. She is passionate about multidimensional changes: those that take place at the level of organizations but also at the scale of an entire industry or those that transform territories. She explores more particularly major industrial changes with a triple dimension: 1/ digital and its impacts (field of her PHD - FNEGE national PHD thesis prize); 2/ the changes induced by the ecological and energy transitions; 3/ the conduct of major strategic transformations where anticipation, innovation and long-term vision are decisive."I am very proud today to be able to train the new generation in charge of transforming the economy and companies towards more sustainable and virtuous models for the environment."
She has published in academic journals such as Management et Avenir, la Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, la Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Système d’information et Management, la Revue Française de Gestion. She has also published two books and articles in the mainstream press : Le Monde, Les Echos and La Tribune.
After sixteen years of experience acquired in the private sector and then in the parapublic sector, she coordinated a European research project for Neoma Business School between 2004 and 2008, became Director of Research between 2012 and 2015 and Director of the new MSc Sustainability Transformations in 2023.