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Thematics :

Two members of our Talent & Career Development Unit attended the second edition of the Career Day organised by MIP Politecnico di Milano in April for students in Specialised Master programmes. The International Master in Luxury Management, a double diploma launched by NEOMA Business School and MIP Politecnico di Milano was of course concerned.

The event, which attracted some twenty firms, gave students on the International Master in Luxury Management programme an opportunity to introduce themselves to potential recruiters. This year’s CV Book was used to set up individual appointments with a view to future employment.

Kandice Cordner-Wuillème, Career consultant, and Ruxanda Kmiec, project leader, who is the member of the T&CDU responsible for supporting these students with their career plans, were also able to meet their Italian counterparts. Their discussion was valuable, reviewing different organisational and operational topics as well as future projects. They also met students from the programme who are currently based in Milan.