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Thematics :

The third Bioeconomy Stakeholders Conference was organized in Turin under the Italian Presidency of the Council of European Union from 8 to 9 October 2014. 400 delegates from 32 countries were participants.

Pierre-Alain SCHIEB was invited as a speaker and made one presentation during the Conference on “Bioeconomy: How to measure progress?” and another one at the OECD Event on “Bazancourt Pomacle case study and the production of bio-based products”.
One of the conclusions is that the new European Commission is willing to strongly support new investments in a short term horizon and that green and white bioeconomy will be confirmed as a high level priority. Regions will be one of the key pillars of the strategy under Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3). Also 16 countries out of 28 have mentioned bioeconomy, biobased production, circular economy, green chemistry or an equivalent concept somewhere in their official plans circulated within the EC. Regarding bioeconomy clusters, 13 have been identified over Europe and since some key countries have 2 or 3, it means that far less countries have serious business in the field and national roadmaps: 5 plus 4 are mentioned.
Program on : http://bioeconomy.miur.it/programme/