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Thematics :

Anna de Tullio, a graduate from the Class of 2017 in the Advanced Masters programme in Corporate Communications Strategies and a Digital Consultant at Adone Conseil, was selected as a finalist at the 12th Trophées des Etudes Awards, with the awards ceremony to be held on 6 November in Paris.

The Syntec Études and Concepteurs d'Avenirs associations work continuously to bring together the academic world and the opinion and marketing studies sector.
The Trophées des Etudes awards were created with the idea to connect students, their programmes and experts from the sector.
The awards honour theses, internship reports and Master level research work on an opinion or marketing study.
At the awards Anna will present her professional thesis: To what extent can emotional targeting based on the initial emotion of a person before viewing an advertisement improve the effectiveness of the advertisement display? The aim of this study is to question the set up of a system of advertisement targeting that uses the emotions felt by the consumers.

This thesis at the Advanced Masters programme in Corporate Communications Strategies at NEOMA BS is one of the examples of the programme’s efforts to provide its students with the knowledge and skills that meet the needs of the professional world. “By mobilising scientific work, the professional thesis consists of responding with rigour to an issue that is important to agencies and advertisers. It’s important work for our students that expands their expertise and provides them with a more comprehensive view of the practices in corporate communications,” explained Pierrick Gomez, Director of Advanced Masters/MSc programme in Corporate Communications Strategies at NEOMA BS.

We’d like to congratulate Anna for this nomination, which is ready a great acknowledgement, and we wish her luck at the finals!

>Learn more about the Advanced Masters/MSc programme in Corporate Communications Strategies at NEOMA BS

>Learn more about the 12th edition of the Trophées des Etudes Awards