Vijay Pereira new Editor-in-Chief of International Studies of Management and Organization journal
Published on 01/19/2022
Thematics :
Vijay Pereira new Editor-in-Chief of International Studies of Management and Organization journal
Published on 01/19/2022
Vijay Pereira, professor at NEOMA, took over in January 2022 as new Editor-in-Chief of the excellent and well-respected International Studies of Management & Organization (ISMO). Since 1971, the journal publishes papers contributing to the advancement of management and organisation theory and practice, internationally.
I am the first non-US based EIC in its 50 year history, and hence it means a lot as it is an important role and responsibility. ISMO has always been a journal very close to my heart, as I published one of my first papers when I started my career here. It is also a well-respected journal globally, across discipline domains and geographies, and it gives me great pride to lead this prestigious journal and take it to the next level.
I have penned my editorial piece in the first 2022 forthcoming issue, laying out my vision, strategy and plan for ISMO, going forward. I am also in the process of creating an editorial advisory board consisting to globally renowned scholars, but also work with the existing editorial board, who have done a fantastic job, over the years. I have known most of them for many years now and I wish to meet with the team collectively, as well as individually, so we work together in achieving our goals for the journal.
Going forward, I believe it would be best to have a dual strategy of seeking renowned scholars to contribute, create newer opportunities for budding scholars, co-authored by established scholars, on cutting edge and impactful topics on one hand. On the other hand, I propose to send out invitations and a call for a competitive special issue topic on an annual basis, which is now a norm in top tier journals.
In terms of the journals aims and scope, I believe the journal can grow if it follows research within the International Business and Strategic Human Resource Management field. That said, it will be open to the general business and management topics, but the focus will be the above. I further believe that this will be unique and ISMO can make its mark as soon as the next 2-3 years within this hybrid thematic area.
Read more about International Studies of Management & Organization (ISMO)