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QIU Zhaodong (Alan)

Ph.D. in Management

Zhaodong (Alan) Qiu is an Assistant Professor in the People and Organisations (P&O) department at NEOMA Business School. He earned his Ph.D. in Management from Tsinghua University. During his doctoral studies, he served as a visiting scholar at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. His research investigates the complex interplay between individual agency and organizational systems within which individuals are embedded. Specifically, he focuses on the dynamics of workplace proactivity and workday design issues. He employs various quantitative methods in his research, including the experience sampling method, field experiments, and longitudinal surveys. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology and featured in the Harvard Business Review.


Areas of research

  • Proactivity
  • Workday Design
  • Voice Behavior

Recent academic contributions

  • ZHANG, C., G. M. SPREITZER, Z. (. QIU, "Meetings and individual work during the workday: Examining their interdependent impact on knowledge workers’ energy.", Journal of Applied Psychology, October 2023, vol. 108, no. 10, pp. 1640-1661
    DOI : 10.1037/apl0001091
  • ZHANG, C., G. M. SPREITZER, Z. (. QIU, "Arrange Your Meeting Schedule to Boost Your Energy", Harvard Business Review, August 2023
  • QIU, Z. (., "Performance information and proactivity" in AOM 2023 Organizational Behavior Doctoral Consortium, 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2023, Boston, MA., United States


  • ZHANG, C., G. M. SPREITZER, Z. (. QIU, "Meetings and individual work during the workday: Examining their interdependent impact on knowledge workers’ energy.", Journal of Applied Psychology, October 2023, vol. 108, no. 10, pp. 1640-1661
    DOI : 10.1037/apl0001091
  • ZHANG, C., G. M. SPREITZER, Z. (. QIU, "Arrange Your Meeting Schedule to Boost Your Energy", Harvard Business Review, August 2023

Academic conferences

  • QIU, Z. (., "Performance information and proactivity" in AOM 2023 Organizational Behavior Doctoral Consortium, 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2023, Boston, MA., United States
  • QIU, Z. (., "The silent permeating influence: Childhood exposure, motivations, and CSR activities" in 25th Annual "Cognition in the Rough" Professional Development Workshop, 82nd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022, Seattle, WA., United States